- Sibling discounts in CampSite
- How do I set up payment schedules?
- How do I batch generate invoices for the families on a payment schedule?
- A checking account won't add to a family's profile. Why?
- Why is a parent seeing a different balance on the Parent Dashboard?
- What does it mean when a transaction is highlighted yellow?
- Can people other than the primary parents make payments towards a family's balance?
- What do I do if a checking account transaction was returned?
- I got an email that a checking account transaction was returned but the family is "Unknown". How do I find which family it’s for?
- How do I add our tax ID number to financial statements/invoices?
- How do I set up a sibling discount?
- Why can't I select Credit Card as an available refund method?
- What is the difference between Statements & Invoices?