Using specific discount criteria, camps can create a sibling discount that applies automatically to the checkout step of the enrollment form. Please note that sibling discounts only apply to the additional siblings who enroll - the first child to enroll will not get a discount.
Create enrollment discounts on Step 7 of the Camper Setup Wizard. When creating a discount for siblings, there are two different criteria that you can set up to determine if a camper is eligible for a sibling discount:
- "Number of siblings enrolled"
With this criteria, the first camper of the family must already be enrolled for at least (1) session at the time the sibling completes the enrollment form.
- "Number of siblings with enrollment requests"
With this criteria, the first camper of the family must have already submitted an enrollment request at the time the sibling completes the enrollment form.
Which criteria should I use?
It depends on which enrollment mode your camp is using.
If your camp is using 'Automatic' enrollment mode (where campers are automatically enrolled as soon as they submit their request), either criteria will work. Note that if you're using CampSite's waitlist functionality, a waitlisted camper will be considered as having submitted an enrollment request (but not enrolled). In that case, the criteria "Number of siblings enrolled" would not identify the first camper as enrolled and therefore would not apply a discount to the sibling.
If your camp is using 'Manual' enrollment mode (enrollment requests must be approved by an administrator before the camper is actually enrolled in the session), the "Number of siblings with enrollment requests" criteria is likely a better fit. Because the first camper in the family may not be enrolled by the time the second camper's request is submitted (because your camp didn't approve the first camper's request yet), the second camper would not be eligible for the "Number of siblings enrolled" discount at the time of checkout.