Today’s release features the following updates and improvements:
New feature!
Often times, camps need to review and/or approve certain forms that campers submit - like scholarship applications, travel forms, daily health check or lunch request forms, etc. Today's release allows you to do just that: admin users can now assign a "review status" to every submitted camper form.
To start using feature:
1. Enable form review by going to Admin > DB Management > Forms.
2. Customize the list of review statuses you can select for each submitted form by going to Admin > DB Management > Dropdown lists and editing the "Form review status" list.
3. Go to the Forms tab of a Camper's profile and double click the pencil icon on the far left of a form to apply a "review status." Click here to see screenshots and more details.
From the Forms tab of the camper profile, view the current review status of each form as well as the date the review was last updated and which admin user made the update. Apply a new review status whenever needed. Admins can also see the current review status when viewing the actual submission of the form as well.
- We also released some minor bug fixes.