
Medication Delivery Report

Generate a report of all camper/staff medication delivery logs (completed deliveries and/or those that are still scheduled).

To generate the Medication Delivery Report, access the Medical Dashboard by clicking the Medical link in the navigation bar.

Medical Dashboard

Select "Medication Delivery Report" from the Medication Delivery Section.

Report Filters

Filter which medication deliveries are generated into the report.

  • Year: Filter by enrollment year.
  • Delivered to: Filter for camper and/or staff deliveries.
  • Sessions: Filter by which session the campers/staff are enrolled/hired for.
  • Date range: Filter by the dates on which medications are scheduled for delivery.
  • Deliveries: Filter by the time of day when medications are to be delivered.
  • Statuses: Filter by the delivery status of the medication. "Scheduled" refers to medications that still need to be logged.

Report Results

The results will present each delivery in a separate row, organized alphabetically by the camper or staff's last name. "Logged by" will indicate who logged the medication delivery, and "actual date + time" indicates when it was logged. If the admin took notes when logging the delivery, they'll be listed on the far right.


  • If the delivery of a scheduled medication is not logged by midnight, CampSite will automatically record it as "Missed."
  • If the delivery status was updated - e.g. an admin originally logged the medication as 'missed' but then re-logged it as 'delivered', only the current (most recent) delivery status will display in the report results.

To print the results or export them as a spreadsheet, double click the buttons annotated above.

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