
How do I remove an enrollment extra from the enrollment form?

Remove an enrollment extra from the enrollment form by either deleting or deactivating it from Step 8 or Step 9 of the Setup Wizard (see details below). When an extra can't be deleted because a camper selected it, making it inactive will still remove it from the enrollment form.

The steps for deleting/deactivating an extra depend on which type of enrollment extra it is:

Removing Yearly Enrollment Extras

  1. Go to Admin
  2. Select Step 8: Enrollment Form Setup of the Camper Setup Wizard
  3. Select Yearly enrollment extras
  4. To delete the extra, locate the extra you wish to remove and double click the red delete button on the far right
  5. To deactivate the extra, double click the pencil icon and in the pop-up window, change Active to No and Submit

For more help, click here.

Removing Enrollment Option Extras

  1. Go to Admin
  2. Select Step 9: Enrollment Options of the Camper Setup Wizard
  3. Expand the relevant enrollment option
  4. From the Bundles tab, locate the relevant bundle, and click the link under the Extras column
  5. To delete the extra, locate the extra you wish to remove and double click the red delete button on the far right
  6. To deactivate the extra, double click the word Yes under the Active column, change it to No, and click OK to save

For more help, click here.

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