
Step 9: Enrollment Options

Enrollment options are the main programs that you run at camp each summer and the first choice that a parent will make when enrolling their child. (e.g. 'Week 1', 'Week 2', 'Spring Break Camp', etc.)

When creating an enrollment option, you'll select from the various items that you created on the previous steps of the Setup Wizard (e.g. sessions from Step 2; payment schedules from Step 4;  tuition plans from Step 5).

Access your enrollment options via Step 9 of the Camper Setup Wizard within the Campers Admin tab.

On Step 9, you may:

Create a New Enrollment Option

There are 2 steps to creating a new enrollment option:

  1. Add the option
  2. Create at least one "bundle" within the option 

Add a New Enrollment Option

First, click the +Add enrollment option... link.

Next, you'll be asked to provide the following details:

  1. Provide a name for the new enrollment option
  2. Provide a description
  3. Select a payment schedule group
    • This will allow campers to select one of the payment schedules within that group if they choose not to pay in full at the time of enrollment
  4. Choose whether to actively display the option on the enrollment form

The new enrollment option will appear at the bottom of the page, with the settings expanded.

Next, you must create at least one bundle within the enrollment option.

Add Bundles

An enrollment option will not appear on your enrollment form until you create at least (1) bundle within it.

When creating a bundle, you'll link certain sessions with a specific tuition plan and enrollment extras. You must create said sessions/tuition plans/enrollment extras on the previous steps of the Setup Wizard before creating the bundle. 

If you haven't created these items already, go to Setup Wizard Steps 2, 5, and 6 and do that first.

To create a bundle, click +Add bundle...

  1. Enter the name for the bundle
  2. Select the number of sessions the camper will be enrolled in for this bundle
  3. Select the tuition plan price for the bundle
  4. Select which session choices the camper has for this bundle
    • If the "number of sessions" is less than how many "session choices" you've selected, parents will need to select that "number of sessions" from the list of session choices. 
    • For example, if "number of sessions" = 1, and 2 "session choices" are checkmarked, parents must choose only 1 of those 2 sessions.
  5. Select whether this bundle should actively display on your enrollment form at this time. If no, admins can still enroll campers for the bundle on the backend.
  6. (Optional) Select to offer certain enrollment extras with this bundle
  7. Click Add bundle

Once an enrollment option has at least 1 active bundle, setup is complete. Optionally, you can create additional bundles if you offer different variations within this enrollment option. Note that parents can only choose one bundle per enrollment option.

Next, choose whether or not to set a deposit for this bundle.


Configure the minimum amount of the camper's enrollment balance that must be paid at the time of enrollment.

When a bundle has a deposit, all campers who select this particular bundle must pay this amount (at minimum) at they time they're enrolled. Alternatively, you can configure a once-per-year deposit instead of per bundle, via your yearly deposit settings on Step 8.

Select "yes" to require a deposit for this specific bundle, and then provide the following information:

  1. Select a transaction category to assign every deposit payment towards
  2. Select whether to charge the deposit as a flat amount or percentage
  3. Indicate the amount for the deposit
  4. If you select percentage as the deposit "Type," choose whether the percentage should be calculated from the full amount (tuition plan AND enrollment extras) or just the tuition plan

Enrollment Option Settings

Rearrange Options

Rearrange the order in which your enrollment options appear by clicking on the re-arrange icon (see above) and dragging & dropping the option to a new position.

Edit the Name/Description

Double click the pencil icon for the enrollment option to edit the option name or description.

Enrollment Option Tabs

Double click the expand icon to expand an enrollment option and manage additional settings.

Edit Bundles

Rearrange Bundles

Click the rearrange icon to drag and drop bundles into a different order.

Edit a Bundle Name/Tuition Plan/Active Status

Double click the pencil icon to edit the bundle name, tuition plan, and whether or not the bundle is active.

Bundles that are inactive will no longer display on the enrollment form.

Edit the Sessions in the Bundle

Click the "Pick X of Y" link to edit the sessions tied to this bundle.

Note: You cannot edit the sessions in a bundle if a camper already selected the bundle. If you need to edit the sessions in a bundle that's already been selected by a camper, you'll need to edit the bundle, make it inactive, and then create a new bundle with different sessions.

Edit the Deposit

Click the link under the Deposit column to adjust the deposit settings for the bundle.

Add/Edit/Remove Extras on a Bundle

Control which enrollment extras are available for purchase to campers who have selected this particular enrollment bundle.

Click the link under the "Extras" column for the bundle (e.g. "None"; "1 extra"; "2 extras", etc.)

Add Extras

Note: You must create the enrollment extra on Step 6 before you can add it to an enrollment option on Step 9.

  1. Click the 'add enrollment extras...' link
  2. Select which enrollment extra to add
  3. Select whether the extra is mandatory, active, and available for purchase after enrollment.
  • If an extra is not active, parents will not see it on the enrollment form, but admins can apply the extra to a camper's account manually.
  • If available after enrollment, campers may log in and purchase the extra after their enrollment request was already submitted. To learn more, click here.

Edit Extras

  1. Click the rearrange icon to drag and drop extras into a different order.
  2. Double click the current mandatory setting to change it
  3. Double click the current 'Available after enrollment?' setting to change it

Remove Extras

To prevent a camper from purchasing an extra for this particular enrollment bundle, deactivate or delete the extra.

  1. Double click the current active setting to change it
  2. Double click to delete button the extra
    • If a camper has already selected the extra, it cannot be deleted from the bundle. You can still remove the extra from the enrollment form by making it inactive.

Enrollment Option Questions

Enrollment option questions are asked once the camper selects that particular enrollment option (as opposed to enrollment questions, which are asked of every camper regardless of which options they're enrolling for).

Add Enrollment Option Questions

  1. Select whether or not parents may change their responses to these questions after submitting the enrollment form.
  2. To add a new question, click +Add question... 
  1. Type your question
  2. Select the question type to determine how parents will respond.
    • For more information on question types, click here.
  3. Select whether or not the question is mandatory
  4. Select whether or not the question should actively display on your enrollment form
  5. Click Add question to create the question

The question will then be added to the enrollment form for this option.

Edit Enrollment Option Questions

  1. Click and drag to rearrange the question order
  2. Double-click the current question to edit it
  3. Click the current response type to change it
  4. Double-click to change whether or not a question is mandatory
  5. Double-click to change whether or not a question is active
  6. Double-click to permanently delete a question
    • Questions cannot be deleted once they've been answered by someone. However, you can still remove the question from your enrollment form by making it inactive.


Limit which campers can see this enrollment option (to prevent certain campers from registering for it).

Enrollment options can be restricted based on the camper's age or grade, gender, and/or a saved advanced report.

When restricting an enrollment option by a saved report, indicate whether the option should be restricted to the campers who appear on OR the campers who do not appear on the report. Right before the Enrollment Options page is loaded for a camper, CampSite will generate the report  behind the scenes and only present the enrollment option to the camper if they appear or do not appear in report results (depending on which setting you choose).

First, select the checkbox on the left for the corresponding restriction, then provide the restriction details.

  1. Restrict the option to campers of a certain gender
  2. Restrict the option to campers of a certain grade or age range
    • Select Grade or Age in the first dropdown menu, then specify the grade or age range on the right
  3. Restrict the enrollment option based on the campers who appear on a saved advanced report
    • Select "appears on report" or "does not appear on report" and then select one of your saved reports.
    • "Appears on report" = the enrollment option will only be available to campers who appear on the report
    • "Does not appear on report" = the enrollment option will only be available to campers who do not appear on the report 
  4. Click Save changes


By adding a passcode to an enrollment option, parents will not see the enrollment option until they enter the passcode first. This allows you to restrict enrollment to those you provide the passcode to.

Note: Passcodes must be created on Step 8 before they can be applied to an enrollment option on Step 9.

Apply a Passcode

To restrict enrollment for an option via passcode, click +Add passcode...

  1. Select one of the passcodes that was created on Step 8
  2. Click Add passcode to apply it to the enrollment option

Remove a Passcode

To remove a passcode from this particular enrollment option, double click to delete the passcode on the far right.

To disable a passcode from ALL enrollment options it's been added to, make it inactive on Step 8).

Enrollment Option Tags

Allow parents to filter enrollment options based on the tag(s) associated with them.

First, create the tags you plan to use; then, assign them to the relevant enrollment options. 

To create a tag, navigate to the Enrollment option tools section.

  1. Choose a tag category by clicking the respective tab
  2. Checkmark any/all tag(s) within that category that apply to this option

Once parents select a tag on the Enrollment Options page of the enrollment form, the page will refresh and only display the options with those tags.

If you apply multiple tags to an option, parents can filter for this option if they select any of the associated tags (i.e. they do not have to click ALL of the associated tags).

Payment Schedule Groups

Associate one of the payment schedule groups that were created in Step 4 to this particular enrollment option.

Parents who select this option and choose not to pay in full at the time of enrollment will then be asked to select one of the payment schedules within the associated group (for paying their remaining balance later).

A few notes:

  • Each family can only be on (1) payment schedule per payment schedule group. If a camper is enrolling for multiple options that all have the same group of payment schedules associated to them, the family only choose 1 payment schedule (which would apply to all of those enrollment options).
  • If the payment schedule group setting is set to "None", parents are not offered any payment schedules for this particular option.
  • Make sure to also review your database financial settings to stipulate what happens when no payment schedules are offered or when they've expired (via Admin > Campers > Financial: Settings).

Pipeline Overview

The "Pipeline Overview" tab provides a brief overview of how many campers requested this particular enrollment option (sorted by request status).

  1. See a pie graph of all requests (by status)
    • Hover your mouse over the chart to see the percentage of requests for each status
  2. See a count of how many new, approved, waitlisted, rejected, and incomplete requests you have

An incomplete request indicates that the family started filling out your enrollment form (and selected this option) but didn't finish filling out the form and submitting the request. To delete an incomplete request, go to the Incomplete tab of the Enrollment Requests page.

Click the "count" for a particular status to view a list of which campers make up those requests.  To access the camper's profile, click on their first or last name.

To access the contents of all of your Enrollment Requests, navigate to the Enrollment Requests page.

Duplicate Enrollment Options

To create an exact copy of an existing enrollment option, click the "duplicate enrollment option" button.

A "copy" of that enrollment option will be created, directly beneath the original.

Note: Make sure to also edit the sessions within the bundle(s) as needed!

Archive Enrollment Options

To remove an enrollment option from your enrollment form without permanently deleting it, archive the option.

When an option is archived, parents cannot see it on the enrollment form. However, admin users can still enroll campers for archived options manually.

Archive an individual option by clicking the "Archive enrollment option" button. Once archived, the option will be removed from your enrollment form and stored in the archives on Step 9.

To archive multiple enrollment options at once, use the Mass Archive Enrollment Options tool. 

Unarchive Enrollment Options

To add an archived enrollment option back to your enrollment form, unarchive the option.

First, click "Show # archived enrollment options" to access all of your archived enrollment options.

Your archived options will then display below this link.

Next, find the option you wish to unarchive and double click the 3 dots to expand the option settings.

Finally, click the "unarchive enrollment option" button. The option will immediately display on your enrollment form and move out of the archives on Step 9.

To unarchive multiple options at once, use the Mass Unarchive Enrollment Options tool.

Enrollment Option Tools

Enrollment Option Tags

Enrollment option tags allow parents to filter which enrollment options display on the enrollment options page of the enrollment form. 

First, create the tags you plan to use; then, assign them to the relevant enrollment options. 

Once parents select those tags on the enrollment form, the page will refresh and only display the enrollment options associated to any of the selected tags.

  1. Click to open the Enrollment option tools
  2. Click on "Enrollment option tags"

 Enrollment option tags are organized into different tag categories, so you'll begin by creating a tag category and then add tag(s) within the category. Note that on the enrollment form, parents will see the name of each tag category with the corresponding tags underneath. To select a tag, they'll click a checkbox.

Add Tag Category

  1. Click on "Add new tag category...".
  2. Give a name to the category.
  3. Click "Add tag category".

Parents are presented the tag category name, so make sure to name the category as you'd like it to appear to parents.

Next, add tags within the tag category.

Add Tags

  1. Double click the three dots to expand the tag category.
  2. Click "Add new tag..."
  3. Name the tag.
  4. Click Add tag.

Finally, you'll need to assign the appropriate tag to the relevant enrollment options via the "Tags" tab within each option . Click here to learn more.

Mass Archive Enrollment Options

To remove an enrollment option from your enrollment form without permanently deleting it, archive the option. When an option is archived, parents cannot see it on the enrollment form. However, admin users can still enroll campers for archived options manually.

Using the "mass archive" tool, you can archive multiple enrollment options at once.

  1. Click to open the Enrollment option tools
  2. Click on "Mass archive enrollment options"
  1. Checkmark which options to archive (select all/none; or manually select individual options)
  2. Click "Archive selected enrollment options"

Once archived, options will be removed from your enrollment form and stored in the archives on Step 9.

Mass Unarchive Enrollment Options

To add an archived enrollment option back to your enrollment form, unarchive the option.

First, click "Show archived enrollment options" to access all archived enrollment options.

Next, ppen the Enrollment option tools and then select to Mass unarchive enrollment options.

  1. Select which options to unarchive (select all/none; or manually select individual options)
  2. Unarchive the selected enrollment options

The unarchived options will immediately display on your enrollment form and move out of the archive on Step 9.

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