Families can manage their Authorized Pickups via the Authorized Pickups tab of the Parent Dashboard or via the Forms step of the enrollment process (if you've configured your settings to collect Authorize Pickups during enrollment).
Click here to learn more about the Forms step of enrollment. To learn more about updating your Authorized Pickup settings, click here.
Important Notice: |
Parents must manually authorize pickups every enrollment year. Families can choose to re-authorize their existing authorized pickups or create new authorized pickups as needed. |
Authorized Pickups Tab
To access the Authorized Pickups tab, click the Authorized Pickups link in the left sidebar menu.
Please note that the Authorized Pickups tab does not display on the parent dashboard until at least 1 camper in the family is enrolled.
Authorized Pickups
For currently authorized pickups:
1. Click the Edit link to edit their information.
2. Click to de-authorize the pickup for the associated year.
For pickups who are not authorized for the current year:
1. Click the Edit link to edit their information.
2. Click to re-authorize the pickup for the associated year.
3. Click to delete them from the account.