
Release Notes - August 15th, 2016

Our latest release includes several improvements to the invoicing and auto pay process in CampSite.

  • CampSites payment schedule system is based on preconfigured dates that are determined when the payment schedule is created. Camps are currently able to create invoices for parents on other dates, but only on a family-by-family basis. With Sunday's release, camps will be able to generate invoices for non-primary payment schedule dates in batch from the Family summary report. Any non-primary dates which have invoices will be able to run through CampSites standard generate, send and auto pay process, just like a standard payment schedule date.
  • We've also added an Auto Pay Report, which allows you to review the results of an auto pay batch any time after running it. Users will be taken to this new report immediately after submitting an auto pay batch, and be able to get real-time results as payment methods are charged.
  • Another new feature with this release is the ability to download the .pdf of an entire invoice batch after it has been generated. This reprint will be accessible by double-clicking the invoice icon next to the generated date on the payment schedule management page.

Our financial improvements initiative will wrap up over the next few months - stay tuned for some exciting announcements about what's coming this winter!

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