
Release Notes - July 9, 2016

We've got a bunch of new features included in our latest release, available to start using immediately!

Enrollment option tags

For camps with many enrollment options, it can be difficult for parents to find the program they're looking for. Enrollment option tags were designed to help solve that problem.

Enrollment option tags are created in categories (e.g. "Sports", "Seasons", etc.) and then applied to enrollment options. For example, a camp that runs many sports programs may create tags in the "Sports" category called "Baseball", "Basketball" and "Soccer". Parents are able to filter enrollment options by these tags, in order to see only the programs they are interested in. You can manage enrollment option tags and assign them to enrollment options from the "Step 9: Enrollment options" page.

Custom payment methods

Camps are now able to define any number of custom payment and refund methods. For camps already using the 'Other' payment method, or a custom name for 'Other', this method has been automatically added to the new list of methods. You can manage your custom methods from Admin -> Campers -> Financial: Payment methods for Campers, and Admin -> Events -> Financial: Payment methods for Events. Methods can be shown or hidden on the enrollment form on an individual basis, and custom instructions can be provided and shown for each method.

Text messaging dashboard

For camps using our brand new text messaging module, we've added a new text messaging dashboard for families and staff. This dashboard allows you to view all responses from parents and staff, and reply directly from the dashboard. It's an easy way to track all text messaging correspondence in one place. The dashboard can be accessed from the Campers or Staff menu in the top navigation.

Accrual periods

For camps using our accrual accounting system, accrual periods are a way to map camp sessions to "real world" financial periods (or any other desired label). For more information on accrual periods, please see the financial updates e-mail sent out earlier this week. Accrual periods can be managed from the Financial Dashboard.

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