Parents can submit copies of their camper's medical documents to your camp (i.e. upload a file from their device) using Printed Medical Forms.
To create/manage your Printed Medical Forms, navigate to the Medical Dashboard.
Medical Management
Navigate to the Medical Management section of the dashboard and click "Camper printed medical forms."
Note: An admin user must have Medical "Admin" permissions to access Medical Management tools.
Printed Medical Forms
From this screen, you can:
Create a New Printed Form
Click + Add new camper printed medical form...
- Enter the name of the form.
- Upload a blank form for parents to download.
- If you have a blank form to provide, upload it here. Parents will be prompted to download the blank form and then upload it back you.
- If you do not upload a file, parents will only be prompted to upload a file (e.g. a copy of immunizations from the doctor; a scan of their insurance card; etc.)
- Note that parents can only upload 1 file per form.
- Enter a due date, if applicable.
- Choose whether to make the form active.
- Choose whether admins who have "form submission notifications" enabled should receive email notifications regarding this particular form.
- Choose whether to display this Form during the enrollment process. If yes, also choose whether the form is required to enroll.
- If the form is not shown during enrollment, parents must navigate directly to the Forms tab to access it.
- Click "Submit" to create the form.
Edit a Printed Form
- Double click the pencil icon to edit the form settings.
- Click the form name to view/edit the blank form that your camp uploaded (if applicable).
Edit Settings
After double clicking the pencil icon, the form settings window will appear.
Edit the form name, due date, active status, notification settings, and whether or not it displays during enrollment/is required to enroll. When you're finished making changes, click Submit in the bottom right.
Delete a Printed Form
Double click the delete button to delete a form.
Note: If a form has already been completed by someone, it can't be deleted. If you wish to remove a form that can't be deleted, make the form inactive by editing the form settings.
Print Submissions
Double click the print icon to print all submissions your camp has received for this form.
- Filter form submissions by the date they were submitted. To generate ALL form submissions, leave date range blank.
- Select the order in which the form submissions will be generated.
- Click to download the submissions. A .zip file containing all the of submission files will be emailed to you shortly.
- Click to filter form submissions for a specific session/divisions/bunks.