
How do I mass reset passwords for parents or staff?

Passwords can be reset for multiple parents or staff at once via mass email. Compose your message explaining that the recipient is receiving a new password, and then before clicking to "Send e-mail", click the link that says "Reset Parent Dashboard passwords..." / "Reset Staff Dashboard passwords..."  Checkmark the appropriate box(es) underneath.

Upon sending your message, CampSite will reset every recipient's password and deliver (2) emails to them: the message you composed, plus a second email containing their new password and the link to your camp's Dashboard.

Mass password resets are typically completed after a camp imports families/staff into their database in order to give those individuals access to their account for the Parent/Staff Dashboard.

1. Create an Advanced Report

To begin, navigate to the Campers or Staff dropdown menu on the navigation bar and select "Advanced Reports."

Resetting Parent Dashboard Passwords

Create a report that contains all the campers whose parents you wish to provide with a Parent Dashboard password (or, all Staff).

Next, click the "E-mail" button in the Advanced Reports toolbar to mass e-mail all parents/staff.

To reset passwords for the Parent Dashboard, you'll need to select the option to send an e-mail to all families.

2. Click to send an e-mail

3. Compose your e-mail

Next, compose your custom e-mail message. This will be the first of 2 emails parents will receive. In this message, you can convey that a Dashboard account was set up for the recipient on their behalf, and explain that they'll receive their password and the Dashboard link in a second email (which is sent right after your present message is sent). 

The recipient should use their email address (to which you sent this message) and the temporary password in order to log in.

See above for an example of what your custom e-mail message could convey.

4. Trigger the Password Reset

Next, in the "Send e-mail" section, click to "Reset Dashboard passwords..."

 Checkmark which recipients you wish to reset the passwords for, and then click to "Send e-mail."

5. Parent/Staff Sets Password and Logs In

Upon sending your email, CampSite will send the user two email messages: the message you wrote, plus the following automated email, which includes their username and a link to set up their account password/log in.

Upon clicking the link, the user will be directed to the password reset page

  • Please note: for security purposes, this link expires after 24 hours.
    If the link has expired, you can send the family/staff a new password reset link by going to their profile, opening the action menu, and selecting to "Reset dashboard password."

After creating a password and submitting the page, the parent/staff will be immediately logged into their Dashboard.

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