
Medical Dropdown Lists

Customize the dropdown response lists that campers and staff can select from when entering their Allergy type, Diet Type, and Forbidden Over-the-Counter medicines on their Health History Form.

  1. "Allergy type" is collected for each individual allergy entered in the Allergies section.
  2. "Diet Type" is collected in the Dietary Information section.
  3. "Forbidden OTCs" are collected within the Medications section.

To manage your Medical Dropdown Lists, access the Medical Dashboard by clicking the Medical link in the navigation bar.

Medical Dashboard

Select "Medical Dropdown Lists" from the Medical Management Section.

Editing Dropdown  Values

Click the dropdown list you wish to add values to.

Add Values

Type a new value into the input field and then click Add value.

Remove Values

Double click the delete icon to remove that particular value from the list.

Click "OK" in the pop-up window that opens to confirm deletion.

Rearrange Values

Click and drag values to rearrange them into a different order.

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