
Medical Forms Tab

The Health History Form shows the submission status of each of your Health History Forms plus any additional printed forms you ask campers to upload.

  1. Click to print a complete health history .
  2. VIew the submission status for each part of your Health History Form
    1. To view the actual form content, click the respective tabs above (e.g. Doctors, Medications, etc.)
  3. View the upload status of any printed medical forms
  4. After a member of your health center staff reviews someone's medical profile, they should double-click in the "Reviewed by" field and enter their name. This will automatically populate the "Reviewed date".
  5. View the name of the parent who signed the camper's "permission to treat", and when
  6. Manually mark any form as received so that the camper is no longer asked to fill it out on the Parent Dashboard
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