
Program Glossary

  1. Activities: Activities that bunks/campers/staff can participate in(i.e. Swim Instruction, Arts and Crafts or Basketball)
  2. Available Activities: Activities that can be scheduled on a given day and period
  3. Available Activities Slots: The number of bunks that can be scheduled for an available activity
  4. Blackout: A time-frame in which a program location is unavailable
  5. Cycle Grid: A 'drag and drop' view of a day within a cycle where you can assign bunks to available activities
  6. Cycles: A time-frame in which days, periods and activities take place.
  7. Days: A calendar day in which periods and available activities take place
  8. Destination Segment: The segment in which you would like to copy information to
  9. Destination Cycle: The cycle in which you would like to copy information to
  10. Frequency: The number of times that a bunk/camper/staff attends an activity within the chosen mode
  11. Max Bunk Count: The maximum number of bunks that can participate in one available activity at a given time
  12. Orphanage: A section on the cycle grid where unassigned bunks are placed
  13. Periods: A time-frame within a day in which an available activity takes place
  14. Program Location: A place on camp where activities take place
  15. Segment: The overriding theme within Program. Segments are created per session and contain program locations, blackouts, activities, cycles, days, periods and bunks
  16. Short Name: An abbreviation for a program location
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