
Release Notes - April 13th, 2023

Today’s release features the following updates and improvements:

For camps with our Medical module, we improved the user experience on the Health History Form when the "Immunizations" section is "Mandatory."

  • First, we added "None" to the dose dropdowns, so that if a camper hasn't received a certain dose, they can select "none" instead of being forced to select a date.
  • Also, chickenpox date, TB test date, and TB test results are no longer required even if "Immunizations" are mandatory, so parents can skip these 3 questions if they're not relevant.

For the form review feature, we've added the option to display the form review status on the Dashboard.

  • Find this new setting under Admin > DB Management > Forms:
  • Note that we've only released this feature for Camper Forms on the Parent Dashboard at this time. We'll roll out the same functionality for family, Staff, and Events forms in the coming months.
  • When enabled, all Camper Forms will show their review status beneath the form name:
  • Any form that has not been reviewed will say "Not reviewed." Tip: If you're not going to review all of your camp's forms, create another custom review status like "No review needed" to indicate that to parents.
  • The standard "Approved" review status will display in green, and the standard "Denied" review status will display in red. Any additional custom review statuses your camp has created will display in grey.

New admin users now create their own passwords

  • In our ongoing security effort to stop sending passwords via email, now when you create a new admin user for your CampSite database, you can no longer set their password for them - they'll receive an automatic email as soon as their account is created that contains a link to create their own password the first time they log in.

Bug fix

  • We fixed a bug with the Avery 5881 label template that was causing blank pages to appear between label sheets.
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