
How do I add/remove campers to/from a certain vehicle?

To add/remove campers to a vehicle one at a time:

  1. Go to their profile page
  2. Select the appropriate year tab
  3. Select the Transportation tab underneath
  4. Open the tab for the relevant Session Group and edit the Vehicle field
    • To remove a camper from a vehicle, select the blank value from the dropdown.

For a more detailed explanation on how to find/use this tab, click here.

To assign campers to vehicles in mass:

  1. Create an advanced report with the campers you need to edit
  2. Add a field for the vehicle of the session group(s) they belong to
  3. Enable mass editing of the vehicle field(s) and make the necessary changes
    • To remove a camper from a vehicle, select the blank value from the dropdown.

For a more detailed explanation on how to mass edit vehicle assignments, click here.

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