Today's release has several new features for CampSite's staff module!
- The 'Summer info' page is a new feature for your Staff Dashboard - it's a one-stop resource for your summer staff to view useful links, download their contract and view information about their position at camp (including department and title)! This page can be activated via Admin -> Staff -> Staff Dashboard. Once enabled, several additional options to control the display of items on this page will be presented.
- You can now present staff forms as an additional step on the staff application! This feature is currently available for 'permanent' staff forms. To enable this feature, double-click the edit icon next to a form and change the "Present on staff application?" toggle to "Yes". You can also make these forms required to complete the application process!
Along with these improvements, we've also enabled our responsive design for admin users loading CampSite on a mobile device! This will allow users to take advantage of the mobile-friendly version of CampSite "on the go", while still being able to utilize our existing version when on a desktop or laptop computer. (Users who have already opted in to the responsive design will continue to get that version on all devices, including desktop. If you'd like to opt out of the responsive design completely on all devices, you can do so via the 'My Profile' page.)