Today's release has several new features to help configure CampSite just right to meet the needs of your camp!
- We're excited to introduce forms categories, a simple way to organize the way forms are presented to campers, staff and group leaders! To get started, click 'Manage forms categories' in the top right of the forms management page to create categories, and then assign forms to those categories by clicking the edit icon next to each. Once forms have been added to categories, they will be grouped together on the Parent, Staff or Events Dashboards forms page.
- Our camper unenrollment wizard has gotten a complete overhaul! You can now unenroll campers from specific programs more easily, as well as having more control over the financial changes that happen during the unenrollment process. Select the 'Unenroll' action from the Camper Profile action menu to get a peek at the new options available.
- You can now present custom staff application questions on the first step of the staff application! You can manage this setting for each question using the 'Show on basic information step?' option on the Staff Application Questions management page.
- You can now mark as text message reply as 'read' on the Text Messaging Dashboard to remove the new message highlighting, rather than having to reply to do so.