Use the Hiring Wizard to hire a staff person for certain session(s) for a given year. You can also set their salary details and email them their contract upon hiring.
To access the hiring wizard for a staff person, navigate to their profile page, open the Action Menu, and click "Hire for [year]".
Hiring Wizard
When hiring a staff person, you'll be prompted to select:
Note: Salary details, custom salary fields, and a confirmation email/contract are not required to complete the hiring process. You can leave these sections blank and provide that information later via the staff person's profile page.
Select which camp session(s) to hire the staff person for.
By default, all sessions will be selected. Individually deselect certain sessions, and/or use the 'select all/none' feature.
For each session, you also have the option to select a camper division/bunk to assign the staff person to. This step is optional; you can always assign them to a division/bunk later via the bunking boards page or their profile.
Salary details
Next, enter the staff person's salary details. None of these fields are required and may be skipped/filled out later, after the staff person has been hired.
1. Salary amounts
Provide the staff person's base salary and any other custom "salary amounts" your camp has created.
For returning staff, click the "Fill with [year] salary details" to populate their base salary, title, and custom salary fields from last year. Use the 'clear all values' to empty them.
2. Position and title
See the positions that the staff person selected on their application and checkmark which position(s) you wish to hire them for.
- You can only select from the position(s) the staff person selected on their application. If you wish to hire them for a position they didn't apply for, you can do so via their profile page after hiring them.
- Your Staff Admin setting for "Number of positions an applicant can apply for" determines how many positions you can select to hire a staff person for. Click here to learn more.
3. Start and end date
Click and use the calendar input to provide the start and end date for the staff person's employment.
4. Contract out and due date
Click and use the calendar input to provide when the contract was sent out to the staff person and when the contract is due. This data can be merged into the staff contract itself and can also be presented to the staff person on the Summer Info page of their Staff Dashboard, depending on your admin settings. Click here to learn more.
- When selecting a confirmation email lower down the page, you can also select to attach the staff person's contract to the email, in which case the 'contract out' date would be today. In that case, you can click the 'Set to today' button to autopopulate today's date.
5. Custom salary information fields
If your camp has created any custom salary information fields for the Staff module, they'll populate here for you to fill out.
Email notification/contract
Send a confirmation email to the staff person upon submitting the hiring wizard. You can also attach their contract to the email.
Use the dropdown menus to select one of your saved email messages for the Staff module as well as one of your staff contracts. If needed, you can also edit the contract before generating and sending it. Note that any changes you make will only apply to the present contract being generated, not the overall contract template.
- If you don't wish to send an email at this time, select 'None' for the "Saved e-mail" setting. You can also send an email without a contract.
- If you choose not to generate/attach a contract to this confirmation email, you can still generate and send their contract to them later via the Action Menu of their profile page.
Click "Hire staff member" to submit the page and hire the staff person. Afterwards, you'll be redirected to the staff person's profile page which will reflect their new hired status.