
Admin user e-mail notifications (Staff)

Enable automatic email notifications when certain actions occur in CampSite. 

  • Each admin user has their own email notification settings, so different users can receive different emails.
  • Note that only admin users with DB Management "Admin" permission have access to editing admin users (including their own account). If a user does not have DB Management "Admin", another admin user must edit their email notifications for them, following the steps below.

To access a user's email notification settings, double click the 3 dots to expand the user's account settings and then navigate to the "E-mail notifications" section. 

Notifications are categorized by type/module - click each category to expand the email notifications relevant to that module.

Staff Email Notifications

New staff application begun

Receive an email notification each time an applicant submits the "Begin Staff Application" page to create their account for your Staff Dashboard.

New staff application completed

Receive an email notification when an applicant submits the "Terms & Conditions page" at the end of their application.

Staff reference submission

Receive an email notification when an applicant's reference submits your online reference form for the applicant.

Staff hire

Receive an email notification when an admin user hires the applicant using the Hiring Wizard.

Staff session changes

Receive an email notification each time an admin user changes a staff person's hired sessions using the "Manage Sessions" tool.

Staff unhire

Receive an email notification each time an admin user changes a staff person is unhired from all sessions using the Unhiring Wizard.

Staff form submissions

Receive an email notification each time a staff person submits or re-submits a staff form via the staff dashboard.

  • This notification is not triggered when an admin user manually completes a form on the staff person's behalf.

When staff submit the form for the first time, the notification reads as "X form submitted by [Staff]".

When staff re-submit an editable form, the notification reads as "X form updated by [Staff]".

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