
How do I edit a camper's age or grade?

CampSite automatically calculates a camper's age based on their date of birth, so to change a camper's age, edit their date of birth. Admins can edit a camper's date of birth by navigating to the camper's profile page and double clicking on their current date of birth. Use the calendar picker to select a new date (or, type the date manually in MM-DD-YYYY format), and click OK to save your changes.

Camper grade level is stored on a yearly basis (to reflect the grade they're entering in the Fall of that year), so you'll need to select the corresponding year to edit the camper's grade. First, navigate to the camper's profile and select the tab for the correct year. Within the year tab, double click on the grade level listed, select a new grade, and click OK to save your changes. Note that changing the camper's grade in one year will not automatically change their grade for other years where the camper's grade was already recorded.

Please note that parents cannot change their camper's age, grade, or gender from their end, so an admin must make these changes if needed.

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