
Common Advanced Reports and how to create them

All campers in the database (from this year and all years prior)

  1. Select all Sessions
  2. Select all Statuses

The report results will include every camper that has ever created an account in your database, this year or any year prior. Note that some of the campers generated in the results may never have followed through with enrollment.

Campers who started enrolling but didn't finish

  1. Select all Statuses
  2. Add a filter > select the Enrollment tab > select "Enrollment request count" > select "is blank" from the dropdown menu > add filter
  3. Add a filter >  select the Enrollment tab > select "Enrollment option + bundle name (including not checked out)" > select "is not blank" from the dropdown menu > add filter

Campers who aren't enrolled this year but enrolled in years prior

  1. Select all Statuses
  2. Add a filter > select the Campers tab > select "Years at Camp" > select "is not blank" from the dropdown menu > add filter

All campers enrolled, organized by session

  1. Select all Sessions
  2. Add a field > select the Enrollment tab > select "Session Name" > close the pop-up window
  3. Double click to split multiple values for the Session Name field
  4. Double click to group by the Session Name field

Campers with a "new" enrollment request

  1. Select all Sessions and all Statuses
  2. Add a filter > select the Enrollment tab > select "Enrollment request status" > type New into the text field (so the filter read as Enrollment request status contains New) > add filter

Campers with a "waitlisted" enrollment request

  1. Add all Sessions and all Statuses
  2. Add a filter > select the Enrollment tab > select "Enrollment request status" > type Waitlist into the text field (so the filter read as Enrollment request status contains Waitlist) > add filter

Which campers purchased an enrollment extra

  1. Select all Sessions
  2. Add a filter > select the Enrollment tab > select "Enrollment extra names" > type all or part of the name of the enrollment extra into the text field > add filter

For example, to generate all campers who purchased a "T-Shirt" extra, filter by enrollment extra names that contain Shirt.

Which campers purchased an enrollment extra for a specific enrollment option

  1. Select the relevant Sessions for the enrollment option in question
  2. Add a filter > select the Enrollment tab > select "Enrollment option + extra names" > type all or part of the enrollment option name into the text field > click the and... link > type all or part of the enrollment extra name in the second field > add filter

Campers who selected certain enrollment option(s) on their enrollment form

Use this report to restrict a form so that it only appears to campers enrolling for certain enrollment option(s).

  1. Add all sessions and all statuses
  2. Add a filter >  select the Enrollment tab > select "Enrollment option + bundle name (including not checked out)" > enter criteria that will capture only the relevant enrollment options or bundles by their name**, then click Add filter

**Refer to the names of your enrollment options/bundles on Step 9. If needed, you can adjust the names of options or bundles to make sure you filter includes only the relevant options (while excluding those that are irrelevant). 

Families on "auto pay" for their payment schedule(s)

  1. Select all Sessions relevant to the payment schedule(s) in question
  2. Add a filter > select the Financial tab > select the Year tab > select the payment schedule group tab > select "Auto Pay?" > select "is Yes" > add filter
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