Create and save an advanced report that filters campers by their potential response to the pre-enrollment question, and then restrict the relevant enrollment option(s) by the report.
With this report restriction in place, each time a camper enrolls, CampSite will collect their pre-enrollment question responses on the very first page of the enrollment form, and then before loading the Enrollment Options page next, will generate the associated report, identify if the camper populates on the report (based on their response), and then either hide or show the restricted option accordingly.
To restrict an enrollment option based on a camper's response to a pre-enrollment question, follow these 3 steps:
- Create the pre-enrollment question(s)
- Create and save the advanced report(s) (based on how campers will respond to the question)
- Restrict the enrollment option(s) by the report(s)
Step 1: Create the Pre-Enrollment Question(s)
Add new enrollment questions to your enrollment form via Step 8 of the Camper Setup Wizard.
When creating the new question, set "Show before enrollment options?" to Yes.
For more help on how to add enrollment questions, click here.
Step 2: Create the Advanced Report
After adding the necessary pre-enrollment question(s), create and save an Advanced Report in which campers are filtered based on how they answered the question(s).
First, add all Sessions and all Statuses to the report.
By adding all Sessions and all Statuses, you'll initially generate ALL campers (currently enrolled or not) who may access your enrollment form.
Next, you'll click to add a filter to narrow down the list to all campers who answered the pre-enrollment question a certain way.
After clicking "Add Filter", go to the Enrollment tab, select the relevant enrollment year, select the Enrollment Questions sub-tab, and then checkmark the relevant pre-enrollment question.
Next, enter the appropriate filter criteria depending on how you want to restrict enrollment, and then click Add filter.
In the example above, the filter will capture everyone who answered Yes to being a current member of Club Firewood.
Once your report is filtered correctly, save the report in your system by clicking the "Save" button at the top of the screen. You'll be required to name your report and assign it to a report category.
For more help on creating and saving advanced reports, click here.
Step 3: Restrict Enrollment Options by a Report
Finally, navigate to Step 9 of the Setup Wizard and locate the enrollment option that should be restricted based on pre-enrollment questions.
Double click the 3 dots to expand the option settings and click the Restrictions tab.
- Checkmark "Report"
- Select whether this enrollment option should display to campers who "appear on" or "do NOT appear on" the report (depending on which campers are being captured by your report filter)
- Select the saved report you just created
- Save your changes when finished
Follow these steps for each enrollment option that should be restricted by campers' pre-enrollment question responses. For more help with editing enrollment options, click here.
* * * * * * * * PLEASE NOTE * * * * * * * *
Report restriction settings do NOT rollover year to year. If you rollover enrollment options that are restricted by advanced reports, you must re-configure your report restrictions again each year.