A refund represents payment that your camp returned to a family.
Electronic Refunds
To transact an electronic refund via your camp's payment gateway, you can either return a previous payment that the family already made or create a new (custom) refund transaction. Refunds to credit cards typically take 7-10 business days to process, but can take longer depending on the family's financial institution.
Non-Electronic Refunds
To record that a non-electronic refund was already issued to the family (outside of CampSite, like by cash or check, for example) without actually transacting a new refund, use the "New refund" button.
In this article, learn how:
Creating a Refund
To watch a short tutorial video on how to issue a refund, click here.
Refunds are created within the Financial tab of the family's profile page (under the Transactions sub-tab, below the "Payments, Credits, and Refunds" section).
Please note: If a family is receiving a refund because they're no longer responsible for paying certain charges, note that those charges (and discounts) must also be reversed from the family's account. Click here to learn how to reverse charges and discounts in addition to refunding payment.
Return a Previous Payment
To refund a credit card or checking account payment that the family previously made, locate the payment and open the transaction details by double clicking the info icon.
A pop-up window will open with the full transaction details. At the bottom of the pop-up window, click the "Refund the full ... payment" button.
Next, click "OK" to confirm the refund. This will initiate a refund transaction for the full payment amount back to the original payment method.
Create a "New Refund"
To transact a custom/"partial" credit card refund, or to record that a refund already occurred without transacting a new one, click to create a "New refund."
Please note:
- You cannot issue a partial ACH refund. To refund via ACH, you must return the original payment in full following the steps above.
- Camps using Authorize.net as their payment gateway cannot issue credit card refunds using the "New refund" button; they must issue a partial refund within the original credit card payment. Scroll down for details.
In the pop-up window, provide the transaction details for the refund.
- Assign a date to the transaction.
- Choose a payment schedule to refund (select the same schedule that their original payment was towards).
- Choose a method for the refund.
- Choosing 'credit card' will transact this refund via your payment gateway to the credit card selected, once you submit this window. If you do not see 'credit card' as an option, you need to enable partial credit card refunds in your database financial settings.
- Choosing a non-electronic method will record this refund in CampSite without transacting it via your gateway.
- Type the amount of the refund.
- Determine the (transaction) category breakdown for the refund:
- Select a transaction category (this should be the same category assigned to the payment(s) being refunded).
- Enter how much should be allocated towards the category selected. If you're only selecting one category, enter the full refund amount here.
- Optional: Enter a description.
- Optional: Add another breakdown (to allocate the refund towards multiple transaction categories).
- Specify how to allocate the refund towards the payment schedule selected above:
- To apply the refund towards an open invoice, enter the refund amount in the 'Amount' box next to that invoice date.
- If the family does not have an open invoice, enter the refund amount in the 'Amount' box next to 'No invoice.' The refund will be evenly applied across all invoices when they're generated in the future.
- Click Submit to create the refund transaction.
For electronic refunds, the refund transaction will be initiated as soon as the "submit" button is clicked.
Custom Electronic Refunds with Authorize.net
Camps using Authorize.net can issue a custom refund by refunding part of an original payment.
First, open the transaction details for the original payment.
Next, click the "Issue a partial refund" button.
Type the amount of money you'd like to refund (as an integer with up 2 decimal places). The amount entered must be less than the original payment amount. Then, click "OK" to issue the partial refund.
Reverse/Delete/Void a Refund
Reversing or deleting a refund allows you to remove the refund from calculating towards the family's account balance in CampSite, in the case that the transaction did not actually occur.
Voiding a credit card/ACH refund will cancel the refund before it's settled by your payment gateway.
To learn how to reverse or delete a transaction, please click here. To learn how to void, click here.