
Release Notes - November 4, 2015

Enrollment Discounts

Enhancements have been made to the enrollment discounts system, allowing discounts to be posted to camper accounts automatically during the enrollment process based on specific criteria.

When creating new discounts, you now have the option of choosing Manual or Automatic for the mode. Manual mode discounts are applied by administrators and Automatic mode discounts are added to the camper’s enrollment during the checkout process based on the camper meeting defined criteria. Any existing discounts in your database are set for manual mode to retain their current behavior.

The following criteria type can be selected when creating automatic discounts:

  • Enrollment option - Applied if a camper enrolls in a certain enrollment option.
  • Session - Applied if a camper enrolls in a certain session.
  • Session count - Applied if the camper enrolls in a certain number of sessions in a given enrollment request.
  • Siblings with enrollment requests - Applied if the camper has a certain number of siblings with submitted enrollment requests in the same camp year.
  • Siblings enrolled - Applied if the camper has a certain number of siblings enrolled in the same camp year.
  • Paying in full? - Applied if the camper selects "Pay in full" during checkout.
  • Payment schedule - Applied if the camper selects a certain payment schedule during checkout.
  • Payment method - Applied if the camper selects a certain payment method.

If you set multiple criteria for a discount, campers must meet all criteria with their enrollment request in order for the discount to be applied.

By default, discounts do not have limits, and will be applied each time a camper submits an enrollment request meeting the criteria for the discount. Limits can be set to have the discount applied once per camper or once per family for each enrollment year.

The calculation of discounts and coupon codes follow the existing behavior:

Discounts are applied independently of each other and always calculate off the total of the tuition plans associated with the enrollment request

Coupon codes calculate off the total amount of the enrollment request

Options have been added to the Financial: Settings section of the Admin menu to allow for stacking of enrollment discounts and coupon codes, as well as set coupon codes to calculate off tuition only. If stacking is turned on, discounts will be applied in the order in which they are listed on the Enrollment Discounts setup page.

Product Enhancements

Miscellaneous product updates, including:

  • Revamped welcome page including ten most recently visited pages
  • “Camp-Specific Fields” have been renamed “Custom Fields”
  • General Ledger code length has been increased to 30 characters
  • The "" shortcut has been disabled and administrators must now use “” to access CampSite. You may need to clear your browser history to prevent the shortcut from auto-filling:
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