
Attendance Logging (Staff-driven)

“Staff-driven” attendance logging allows camp staff (i.e. admin users) to record camper attendance using a mobile-friendly interface.

First, generate campers by selecting an attendance checkpoint and a direction (either "arriving" to camp or "departing" from camp). Then, tap to check them in or out (depending), or to mark them as absent.


  • Staff and Parent-Driven attendance logging can only be used for your "current" enrollment year. If you have 2 years open currently (i.e. you haven’t completed Step 2 of the Rollover Wizard yet), your "current" year is the earlier of the two years.
  • Attendance can only be logged for campers enrolled in sessions occurring today, per the session start + end date (for the selected checkpoint).

First, access the Attendance Dashboard by hovering over the Campers button in the navigation bar and then clicking Attendance in the dropdown menu.

Attendance Dashboard

From the Attendance Dashboard, go to Attendance Tracking and click Attendance logging (staff-driven).

Generating the Attendance List

First, use filters to generate the correct attendance list.

  1. Filter a specific checkpoint
  2. Filter a direction ("arriving" to camp or "departing" from camp)
  3. Filter campers that are expected normal, early, or late
    By default, all campers are expected at normal time, unless an admin changed they're expected arrival/departure. Click here to learn more.
  4. Filter for a specific division or select to generate all divisions
  5. Filter for a specific bunk or select to generate all bunks
  6. For camps with our Transportation module, filter campers by their transportation method, or select to generate all transportation methods
  7. Click Start logging

Note: If you need to log attendance for a day in the past, you must do so via the individual camper’s profile page. Click here to learn more.

Logging Attendance

Campers that match your filter criteria will appear in a list, organized alphabetically by last name. To search for a specific camper, begin typing their first or last name in the search bar at the top of the page.

Use the buttons to the right of each camper to check them in/out or mark them as absent.

To undo an attendance log, click the "undo" button in the top right corner. Each click will undo your most recent attendance log and return that camper to the list to be logged again.


  • Once a camper's attendance has been logged, they'll be removed from the list.
  • If a camper is marked absent for an arrival, they will not appear in the list of campers to check out on the corresponding departure.

Optional: Select an Adult

If your admin settings require "Authorized Pickups" to be selected when checking a camper in or out, CampSite will prompt you to select which parent or authorized pickup person accompanied the camper.

To toggle this setting on/off, navigate to Admin > Campers > Attendance > "Always prompt for Authorized pickup..."

Select the accompanying adult from the list.  If someone else accompanied the camper, click "other" and provide more details.

The accompanying adult will be noted on your Attendance report results as well as the camper's profile.

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