
Types of e-mail and marketing e-mail opt-out

Maintaining a good e-mail reputation means not delivering e-mail to recipients who dont want to receive it. CampSite makes it easy to allow those recipients to opt out, while still ensuring important information about camp gets delivered.

When you send an e-mail from CampSite, you'll be asked to categorize it as Marketing or Informational.

Marketing e-mail is promotional e-mail sent to leads or existing customers or staff. Recipients can 'unsubscribe' from this e-mail by clicking a link on the bottom of the e-mail or by unchecking a box on their Dashboard. Once unsubscribed, they will no longer receive marketing e-mail from your camp. Examples of marketing e-mail include early registration discount promotions and e-mail newsletters.

If a recipient has accidentally opted out, you can send them a re opt-in message from their profile page, which will allow them to opt back in to receiving marketing e-mail from your camp.

Informational e-mail should only be used to send updates/information to existing customers (i.e. enrolled campers; registered guests; hired staff), regarding a service that they purchased/are registered for. These emails should not be sent to individuals who are not currently enrolled/registered/hired. Examples of informational e-mail include bunking assignments; staff applicant hiring details; camper bus reminders; etc.

Informational emails are sent to all recipients, even if they've unsubscribed from marketing e-mail.

If you're not sure which category your e-mail falls into it, you should select Marketing.

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