
Medical Awareness List

Use the Medical Awareness tool to generate Medications, Forbidden OTCs, Allergies, Dietary information and Restrictions in mass. The resulting PDF can be printed or downloaded as needed.

Medical Awareness List

Find the"Medical awareness list" link in the Medical Reports section of the Medical Dashboard.

Customize the PDF

Next, select which medical data to generate.

Report options:

  • Select "all" to generate all data for the corresponding section, even if it's not marked critical.
  • Select "Critical only" to only generate data for the corresponding section that's been marked as critical.
  • Select "none" to exclude data for the corresponding section from being generated.

Who to include?:

  1. Checkmark whether to generate data on Campers and/or Staff
    • If you select both, in the PDF that's generated, staff will appear altogether, after campers.
  2. When "Show all people" = Yes, ALL campers and/or staff enrolled/hired for the year or session you select will be included in the PDF - even if they don't have any data that matches the filters you selected above.
  3. Choose whether to generate campers/staff for the entire Year or for a particular Session.
  4. Choose which year of medical data to generate.
  5. Choose a session (if generating by session).
  6. Select the order in which you would like campers and/or staff to display in your results (alphabetically, or alphabetically by division or bunk)
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