
Family Profile: Primary Parents Tab

The "Primary Parents" tab of the family profile contains primary parents' details; the family's address and lead source details; and permanent custom fields of data for the family.

Admins may manually edit any of this information by double click.

Editing Information

Parents can update their details from the Parent Dashboard via the "My Account" page.

Admin users can also update a parent's details by double clicking on the current information that's listed (or, the 'edit...' field if no information exists yet).

The above screenshot shows how information fields appear when being edited. To edit, double click the current information listed, change the information as needed, and then click the "Ok" button to save your changes.


View the primary parents listed for the family's account and their basic details. These details are collected when the family first creates their account.

  • Each family can list up to (2) primary parents for their account.
  • Both primary parents listed for the account receive access to the family's account for your Parent Dashboard, for enrolling campers, filling out forms, managing financials, etc.

For each primary parent, view the following details:

  1. First and last name
  2. Relationship (to the camper[s] within the family's account)
  3. Contact information
    • Note that the "e-mail address" is the address that this parent will use for logging into the parent dashboard.
    • The cellphone icon indicates if the parent has opted into text messaging (for camps who have added CampSite's Text Messaging module. Hover to see the parent's opt-in status).
  4. Attendance PIN (for camps who have added CampSite's Attendance Module)

Basic Info & Addresses

View/edit the family's Home and Summer address, as well as their Lead Source Information.

For both addresses:

1. Double click to open a Google map of the address
2. View the address details
3. View the phone number associated with that address

To edit an address, double click the specific address line you need to edit.

For Lead Source information, view:

4. Greeting: The custom greeting that's been set for this family (which can be merged into an email to the family).
5. Lead source: The family's response to, "How did you hear about us?" on the form used to create their account
6. Lead source details: The family's response to, "Who did you hear about us from?" on the form used to create their account
7. Lead date: The date on which the family created their account
8. How created: How this family's account was created.

Permanent Custom Fields

View/edit the permanent custom fields of information for this family.

  • To manage the overall permanent custom fields of information for all family profiles, go to Admin > Families > Custom Fields.

Editing Custom Field Data

To add or edit data within a custom field, double click the data field.

Enter new information as needed, then click the "Ok" button to save your changes.

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