
Foreign Language Translation for the Parent Dashboard

CampSite's Parent Dashboard language translation feature is powered by Amazon Translate - a machine translation service that provides fast translation in real-time.

  • Each parent can select their own preferred language for their parent dashboard experience.
  • Parents can select a preferred language when they first create their account; and/or after creating their account, using the “My Account” page of the Parent Dashboard.
  • Once a preferred language is selected, each  new page the parent visits will translate into that language. Learn more about translation load time.
  • Each parent's preferred language is remembered every time they log in.

Supported Languages

We currently support language translation and input for French, German, Italian, Spanish,  and  Portuguese. You can select which/how many of these 5 languages are available for your Parent Dashboard (just communicate your preference to CampSite Support).

Parents will then choose their preferred language from a dropdown list of the languages you selected. For example:

Choosing a Preferred Language

Each parent can set their "preferred language" when creating their account initially and/or from their account settings after logging in.

When creating their account

A new "preferred language"  question will appear  for each parent added to the  New Family Enrollment and Request for Information forms.

Remember that P1 is the parent completing the New Family Enrollment form.

After submitting the page, P1 will be automatically logged into their family's new account and the dashboard will be translated into P1's preferred language.

From within their account

After a family has created an account can manage each parent's preferred language from the "Family Info" tab of the My Account page.

The preferred language for each parent can be changed back to English - or another language - at any time.

Page Translation

Each page of the parent dashboard will get translated immediately after page load. 

Initially, each page will load in English, but a pop-up message will notify the parent that the translation is processing. 

Once the translation is finalized, the page will reload in the parent's preferred language.

A note about translation times:

The very first time someone translates your Dashboard into a certain language, each page will take a few seconds to translate, but those translations will be cached by Amazon Translate.

If that same parent logs in again later, or if another parent selects the same language, Amazon Translate will use the cached translations for a faster translation experience.

Additional examples

Enrollment Form

Medical Health History Forms

Financial page

Making a payment

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