Assign hired staff to a department and title using the same "drag & drop" method on camper bunking boards. First, create your departments and titles, then drag + drop hired staff to assign them.
Note: If you create your departments and titles before hiring begins, you can assign a staff member to a department and title during the hiring process. Otherwise, you can drag & drop them here after they're hired.
To access the Staff Departments board, hover over the Staff link in the navigation bar and then click "Staff Departments" from the dropdown menu.
To assign staff a department and title, follow these 3 steps:
Also, learn how to:
1. Create Departments and Titles
Click the + Add new department... link to create a new department.
Provide a name for the department and submit.
2. Add Titles to each Department
Once a department is created, click + Add a new title... within it to create the different titles that pertain to it.
When adding a title, provide how many times to add it, depending on how many staff you plan to assign this title. You can always add more or delete extras later, if needed.
3. Assign Hired Staff
If a staff person was not assigned to a department/title at the time they were hired, they'll appear in a container at the bottom of the page titled "Hired with no title."
Drag and drop a staff member to assign them a specific title. Drag and drop assigned staff to different titles as needed, too.
See Hiring Details
- See the total number of staff hired for the selected year or session
- See the total number of staff hired for the selected year or session, by their gender
- See how many staff are hired for the selected year or session, but are not currently assigned a title
Find these staff in the "Hired with no title" container on this page, and drag + drop them to a title.
See Staff Details
Click on a staff person's name to expand their tile and view their profile photo; the sessions they've been hired for; their citizenship; and their start and end date. Click the link to jump to their profile.
To see the details for all staff within a department, double click the ID card icon in the department name. Double click again to collapse their details.
View Contract Status
Hover over the contract icon in the right corner of a given staff to view whether their contract is in and their contract due date (according to data in the 'contract in' and 'contract due date' fields within the Salary details tab of their profile page).
- A white contract icon indicates that the contract is not in but is also not overdue yet.
- A red contract icon indicates that the contract is in.
- A pink contract icon indicates that the contract is not in, and it's overdue.
Edit Departments/Titles
Double click the pencil icon for a department or title to edit the name of it.
Need to edit the quantity of a certain title? Use the "Add a new title..." link to add more; or, delete existing titles that you don't need.
Delete Departments/Titles
The delete function for titles and departments are their respective edit modals. Double click the pencil icon for the title/department you wish to delete.
Note: You can only delete a department if no titles exist for it.
Delete all of the titles within the department in order for the 'delete' button to appear in the edit modal.
You can delete a title even if someone is assigned to it. After deleting the title, refresh the page and the staff person will appear in the 'Hired with no title' section, waiting to be reassigned again.
Print/Export Departments
Print or export a list of staff within a department (i.e. first name, last name, and title) using the print and export icons in the department toolbar.
Need to print multiple departments at once (or, generate more info on the staff than just first and last name)? Create a Staff Advanced Report grouped by department and print that instead.
- Add 1 or more sessions to the report
- Add a field for Yearly Info + Bunking > "Department name" (and any other fields you need)
- Double click to enable grouping by the "Department name" field (click here to learn how)
- Click the print or export icon above the report results