
Step 6: Registration options

Manage the registration options that appear on your Events registration form, including the rate(s), custom questions, available coupon codes, and more.

To manage your registration options, navigate to Step 6 of the Events Setup Wizard within the Events Admin tab.

From Step 6, you may:

Create a New Registration Option

To create a new registration option on your registration form, you must:

  1. Add a new registration option
  2. Add a bundle to the option
  3. Add a rate to the bundle

Additionally, you can also add special rate criteria, custom questions, extras for purchase, and coupon codes if needed.

1. Add a New Registration Option

To begin, click + Add registration option...

Enter the name of the option; the description; and choose whether it should actively display on your registration form at this time.

2. Add a Bundle

Next, add at least one bundle to the registration option. A registration option will not appear on your registration form until you add at least (1) bundle to it.

First, add the bundle; then, create a group and or individual rate for the bundle.

When creating a bundle, you'll tie a specific Event/s to the registration option and also specify the rate(s), plus any payment installment dates (if needed).

  • Provide a name and description for the bundle
  • Select the number of events, i.e. how many events the group/individual will be registered into
  • Select the event choices, i.e. whichevents the group/individual will be registered into
    • If the"number of events" is less than how many "events choices" are selected, guests will need to select that many "number of events" from the selected event choices.
    • For example, if "number of events" = 1, and 2 "events choices" are selected, guests must choose only 1 of those 2 events.
  • Select whether the bundle should actively display on your registration form

If you create multiple bundles, registrants can select only one bundle per registration option.

3. Add a Rate to the Bundle

Next, expand the bundle to configure the rate. If you don't configure a rate, the registration option will not appear on your registration form.

  • You can configure a separate rate for group registrations vs. individual registrations. Select the appropriate sub-tab to do so.
  • If you configure both, both groups and individuals will be able to register for the bundle at the respective rate.
  • The rate for group registrations can be configured as a price per group overall; or per attendee within the group.

Default Rate

  1. Select the Group rate or Individual Rate tab
  2. Click the Create rate... link and then provide the following:
  • Rate type: (Group rate only) Choose whether to charge per person, or a flat amount per group
  • Transaction category: Select which transaction category the rate charges will apply towards
  • Transaction description: Enter a description to assign to rate charges
  • Default amount: Enter the default amount you wish to charge each person or group for this bundle

Make sure to Save changes before navigating away from this page.

Create Additional Rate Criteria

If needed, apply a special rate if certain criteria is met.

  1. Click Create additional rate criteria...
  2. Click + Add criteria...
  3. Select the type of criteria
  4. Add the criteria details

If the criteria is met, registrants will be charged the special rate instead of the 'default' amount.

For example, if guests 4 and under are free, create an age-based rate of $0 with a minimum age is 0 and maximum age of 4.

Deposit + Installments

If needed, configure a minimum deposit as well as an installment schedule for payment.

  • Require deposit?:Choose whether a minimum amount must be paid when registration is approved.
    • If no, no amount ($0) will be required at registration - the registrant may pay their entire balance later.
    • To require full payment at the time of registration, set a 100% deposit.
  • Category:  Select which transaction category the deposit payment will apply towards.
  • Type: Choose whether the deposit is a flat amount or a percentage. For group deposits, also select if the deposit is for the entire group or per person.
  • Amount: Set the amount.
  • Mandatory Auto pay?: If you configure installment payments, select whether or not auto pay is required for those payments. If you don't configure installments, this setting is not relevant.
  • Installments: Create a payment schedule for those who do not pay in full when their registration is approved.
    1. Click 'Installments'
    2. Specify the dates for payment, and the percentage of their balance that must be paid on that date.
      Note that installments must be configured before registration begins. If a group or individual has selected the registration option, installments can no longer be setup.
      You can batch invoice for these payments via the Events Invoicing + Auto Pay tool on the Financial dashboard.

Registration Option Settings

Display Settings

  1. Drag and drop to rearrange the order options appear in
  2. Edit the name or description of an option by double clicking on it

Registration Option Tabs

General Options

  • Toggle whether this registration option is open for groups and/or individuals
  • If you add questions for this registration option, choose whether registrants can go back and edit their responses after they already submitted their registration form
  • If you allow group registrations, specify the maximum number of attendees that any one group may register for the option


  1. Rearrange bundles by dragging and dropping
  2. Expand (double click) and manage the rate, deposit, and installments
  3. Duplicate (double click) the bundle
  4. Edit the bundle name (double click)
  5. Edit the event(s) associated to the bundle
  6. Edit the bundle description (double click)
    • Admins may manually register a group/individual for an inactive bundle


Add/manage custom questions on the registration form.

  • Group questions will appear on group registrations only, and collect (1) response for the entire group.
  • Attendee questions can be set to appear on group and/or individual registrations, and will collect a separate response for each attendee.
  • Create a question by clicking + Add question...
  • Rearrange questions by clicking the rearrange icon on the far left and dragging & dropping
  • Edit the question by double clicking the current question text
  • Edit the response type by clicking the link for the current type
  • Edit whether the question is mandatory or actively displaying on the registration form by double clicking the current Yes/No setting
  • Remove a question from the registration form by deleting it, or making it not active

Permitted Groups

Restrict registration to specific groups already in your database.

Click + Add permitted group... and select an existing group within your database.

Continue adding more groups as needed. To remove a group, double click the delete button on the far right.


Add/manage the extra items/services available for purchase with this registration option.

  • Group extras will be available for purchase once for the entire group.
  • Attendee extras will be available for purchase per attendee.
  •  Create an extra by clicking + Add extra...
  • Rearrange extras by clicking the rearrange icon on the far left and dragging & dropping
  • Edit details by double clicking the pencil
  • Edit the name, description, and amount by double clicking the current value
  • Edit whether the extra is mandatory or actively displaying on the registration form by double clicking the current Yes/No setting
  • Remove an extra from the registration form by deleting it, or making it not active

Coupon Codes

Add/manage coupon codes that can be entered at checkout for a discount towards the bundle rate.

  • Group coupon codes can only be used on "group" registrations.
  • Individual  coupon codes can only be used on "individual" registrations.
  • Click + Add coupon code... to create a new coupon code.
  • To edit an existing coupon, double click any of the current values.
  • To disable/enable a coupon code, double click the yes/no setting for Active? When set to No, the coupon code will be rejected.
  • To permanently delete a coupon code, double click to delete it on the far right.

Refer to the "# of uses" column to see how many times a group/individual has used the coupon code.

  • To see who used the coupon, add the "Registration coupon code" to an advanced report, or  generate the financial Transaction log and enter the coupon code into the "Description" filter before running the report.

Remove Registration Options/Bundles from the Registration Form

Remove an entire registration option or a particular bundle within a registration option from the registration form by hiding or deleting it.

  • Deactivate an option or bundle to hide it without removing it completely.
    • Activate it later to add it back to the registration form if needed.
    • Admins may register a group/individual for an inactive option/bundle.
  • Delete an option or bundle to permanently remove it from your database.
    • Deleted options/bundles cannot be un-deleted.

Remove a Registration Option

  1. To change the "active" status, double click on the current Yes or No setting in the Active? column.
  2. To delete an option, double click the delete button.
    • An option can't be deleted if someone selected it already. Instead, make it not "active."

Remove a Bundle within a Registration Option

First, expand the registration option to access the bundles therein.

  1. To change the "active" status, double click on the current Yes or No setting in the Active? column.
  2. To delete a bundle, double click the delete button.
    • A bundle can't be deleted if someone selected it already. Instead, make it not "active."
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