
Bunking Boards

This article details how to manage the overall admin settings for your camp's bunking boards. To learn how to create or edit your actual bunking boards, read our other articles at this link.

1. Edit the display settings for camper tiles

The first four settings allow you to choose how much detail to display for each camper on the bunking board. These additional details may help admins decide which division/bunk to assign campers to.

See above for an example of a bunking board when all four settings are set to yes.

Every camper tile includes their grade and age to the right of the camper's name. Kristin Casey demonstrates how a camper enrolled in multiple sessions this year is labeled with a red dot. Alina Gamble demonstrates how a new camper this year appears with a bold tile border.

2. Customize the display names

If your camp uses different terminology than the default "division" and "bunk" terms, you can enter custom names instead.

These custom names will appear throughout CampSite in place of the default terminology, like when adding fields to an advanced report (for example).

3. Apply the camper's 'custom color' as tile background

By default, the background color of each camper's bunk tile corresponds with their gender ('Male' = blue; 'Female' = pink; and any other value = white).

Using this setting, you can choose to apply the camper's custom color for that year as their bunk tile background, instead of their gender color. This may help your admin team assign campers to certain divisions/bunks based on their color-coding.

See above for an example of how bunking board tiles appear when their background reflects the camper's custom color.

  • If this setting is set to Yes, note that campers who do not have a custom color will have a white bunk tile background.
  • If the "Indicate new campers with a bolded tile border" setting is set to Yes, the tile border will still follow the gender color-coding.
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