
Step 2: Staff application questions

In Step 2, enter questions that all applicants should answer on the staff application (regardless of which position they're applying for). By default, questions will appear on the "General Questions" page of the application, unless you select to show the question on the "Basic Info" step at the very beginning of the application.

To manage position-specific questions, go to Step 3 of the Staff Wizard.

To manage your staff application questions, navigate to Step 2 of the Staff Setup Wizard within the Staff Admin tab.

From Step 2, you may:

Add a New Question

Click the link to + Add new staff application question...

  1. Enter the question text
  2. Select a response type
  3. Select whether a response is mandatory
  4. Select whether to actively display the question on the application
  5. Select whether to show the question on the Basic Information step of the application*
  6. Click Submit to create the question

*Staff provide basic demographics (name, date of birth, address, etc.) and select which position to apply for on the Basic Info page. Application questions shown on the Basic Info page still need to be re-filled out every year, unlike the applicant's demographics which roll over.

Edit a Question

Staff application questions can be edited at any time, even if an applicant has already answered the questions on their application.

Edit Question

Double click the pencil icon to edit a question.

Make any changes to the question text, response type, mandatory/active status, and whether the question shows on the basic info step of the application, then click Submit to save changes.

Rearrange a Question

Rearrange the question order by clicking the rearrange icon on the far left and dragging  & dropping the question to a different rank on the page.

Remove a Question

There are two options for removing a staff application question:

  1. Hide the question from the application without completely deleting it. To do that, make the question inactive by double clicking the pencil icon to edit the question, setting Active? to No, and submitting your changes.
    Note: Admins can manually enter a response for a question that's inactive via the applicant's profile.
  2. Delete the question to completely remove it from the application and from your database. To do that, double click the red delete button on the far right.
    Note: You cannot delete a question if a response has already been entered for it (instead, you can deactivate it). Deleted questions cannot be undeleted. If you need the question on the application again, you'll need to re-create it.
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