
Parent Dashboard: Transportation Forms

Transportation forms are located on the Forms tab of the Parent Dashboard and can also be set to appear on the "Forms" step of the enrollment process.

Remember, transportation forms are linked to certain camp sessions via the transportation session group. Campers will see the transportation form(s) pertaining to the session(s) they've selected to enroll for. 

Forms Tab

To access the Forms tab, click the Forms tab in the left sidebar menu.

Select a Camper

Select a camper to access their transportation form(s).

Scroll down to the "Transportation forms" section and click the form name to access the form.

Please note that parents cannot edit transportation forms after they've been submitted. Any changes to their original transportation requests must be verified/made by an administrator at your camp, to prevent transportation changes after bus routes have already been established.

  1. See the transportation form instructions configured within the session group for this transportation form. Click here to learn about customizing this text.
  2. Select the transportation method for arriving to camp.
  3. Select the transportation method for departing from camp*.
  4. Answer any custom questions that were created in the session group for this transportation form. Click here to learn about creating custom questions.

*If you require campers to use the same method for both directions, parents will only be asked to select their method once. Afterwards, the same method will be automatically selected for the other direction, and cannot be edited.

  1. If the family selects "bus" as their method, they're prompted to make additional selections depending on the bus type.
  2. If you've configured transportation transactions for the corresponding session group, and the family's selection triggers those transactions, they'll be posted here. Click here to learn more about creating transportation transactions.
    • If you require transportation charges to be paid at checkout, the charges will appear in the family's enrollment balance when checking out for their campers enrollment.
  3. Click submit to complete the form.
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