
Adding Text Messaging to your Subscription

How does texting work?

CampSite's text messaging module allows admin users to send text messages to parents (and staff, if you've purchased our Staff module). Similar to emailing, texts can be sent individually via the recipient's profile page or in mass via an advanced report.

Please note that due to consumer privacy laws, parents and staff must first provide consent by "opting in" to text messages from your camp. Learn more about the opt-in process here. Once parents/staff have opted in, you may send them texts individually or send texts in mass (similar to CampSite's emailing functionality). To learn how to send text messages, please click here

The parents and staff that you text may also send you replies, which you can access from within CampSite (either on the family/staff's profile page or from CampSite's Text Messaging Dashboard).

Note that admins cannot text campers directly. Also, text messages can only contain plain text (no images or embedded links).

Note: Text messages can only be sent to recipients who have a US or Canadian phone number.

How much does it cost?

There is no monthly fee for having the Text Messaging module on your CampSite subscription, but you must purchase credits in order to send outgoing text messages.


It costs one credit to send a single text message (i.e. a message of 160 characters or less, to a single recipient). Credits can be purchased in the following packages:

  • 3,000 credits for $150
  • 10,000 credits for $300
  • 25,000 credits for $600

When you initially add the text messaging module to your subscription, we'll add the text credit package of your choice to start with (and bill the associated fee to your payment method on file with our CampSite's Billing department). 

When you need to purchase additional credits, you may do so at any time via the DB Management tab of the Admin settings for your database. To learn how, click here.

  • Tip: When choosing how many credits to purchase, note that credits never expire, and unused credits will rollover year to year. Also, credits are not used on any text replies that you receive - only on texts that you send.

What phone number do our texts send from?

A randomly generated phone number will be assigned to your account, and all text messages you send from CampSite will be sent from this number. If parents/staff wish to text you back, they can send a text to your assigned number and their response will be displayed within CampSite. That said, parents may save your assigned phone number to their contacts to identify your incoming messages and/or send you replies as needed.

Though the last 7 digits of your assigned phone number will be randomly generated, you can arrange for the CampSite Support team to customize your area code, which will be discussed during the texting setup process.

Ready to add Texting? Contact CampSite Support!

If you're ready to add the texting module to your database, contact CampSite support via

First, we'll have you e-sign an agreement authorizing us to update your current CampSite contract to include the texting module, and also authorizing payment for your initial credit package.

Once the agreement is signed, the Text Messaging module will be added to your database, and you can request parents to opt-in to receiving text messages from your camp. Click here to learn more about the text messaging opt-in proces.

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