

How do I turn off enrollment?

Stop enrollment for all of your enrollment options by removing the Enrollment page of the Parent Dashboard. Navigate to Admin>Campers>Setup wizard>Step 8: Enrollment form setup.

Under General options, the first two settings determine if the Enrollment page is enabled for new and/or returning families.

To disable all families from enrolling, set both of these settings 'No' and then click 'Save changes' at the bottom of the page. Upon saving, the Enrollment page of the Parent Dashboard will be removed immediately.

To stop enrollment for some but not all enrollment options, archive the relevant options from your enrollment form (via Step 9 of the Camper Setup Wizard).

Important Notes:

  • Stopping enrollment prevents additional campers from enrolling, but does not unenroll campers who already enrolled. To remove campers who already enrolled, unenroll each camper.
  • When the Enrollment page is disabled, families will still be able to fill out the New Family Enrollment Form to create an account for the Parent Dashboard, but they wont be able to proceed through the enrollment process.

Is there a way to mass unenroll campers?

Enrollment changes must be completed one camper at a time. We understand that this is not ideal during the current circumstances, but because of the many variables and specific details related to unenrolling - particularly financials - admins must unenroll campers individually to ensure accuracy.

Click here to learn how to unenroll a camper.

Can refunds be issued in mass?

To properly refund a family, you must reverse the camper's charges/discounts and then refund the family's payment towards those charges. CampSite does not have a tool that would allow you to complete both of these actions in mass, so they must be completed one family at a time.

Note that CampSite can reverse a camper's charges for you when you're unenrolling the camper - please click here to read our article on unenrolling for more information. Refunding the family's payment must still be completed manually as a separate process. 

To learn how to issue a refund, click here.

How much does it cost to issue refunds in CampSite?

CampSite does not charge for processing transactions, but your payment gateway typically does. To confirm the amount of those processing fees, please contact your payment gateway provider directly.

Are credits automatically rolled over to next year during the rollover process?

No. A familys' balance, whether positive (due to unpaid amounts) or negative (due to a credit), is considered a value specific to that year, so balances are not rolled over to next year during the rollover process. In order to apply a family's payment in 2020 as a credit for 2021, an admin user needs to manually credit the family's 2021 balance and then reverse the original payment under 2020.

How do I credit a family’s balance to the following year?

To credit a family's balance:

  • Access the Financial Transactions tab of the family's profile page.
  • Select the 2021 year, and then click to create a new credit. For the amount, enter the amount of payment the family wishes to rollover from 2020.
    • Note that families will not have a 2021 financial record until you have completed at least Step 1 of the Rollover Wizard.
  • Next, access the family's 2020 transactions and reverse (not refund!) the payment(s) that were credited to 2021.

Note that if you apply a credit before the family enrolls, and the family goes onto a payment schedule upon enrolling, the credit will not be applied to their payment schedule automatically. With that, an admin will then need to edit the credit after the family enrolls and place it onto the family's payment schedule so that the family's future invoices reflect the credit. If the credit is not added to the family's payment schedule by an admin, the family's invoices will be too high. Click here to learn how to edit a transaction.

How do I identify which families should receive a credit for 2021?

After you've reversed the camper's 2020 charges but kept the family's payments on their account, the family will be left with a negative balance. That said, you can generate a report of families with a negative balance for 2020 to identify those who should receive a credit for 2021.

You can generate a list of all families with a negative balance by running the Family Summary report from the Financial Dashboard. Make sure to select the 2020 year, and filter only "Zero/negative" Balances. Once the report populates, look for families with a negative amount under the "Balance" column.

Can parents use credits/credited balances to “pay” for a new enrollment?

No. A family's current account balance does not impact the camper's enrollment form balance, meaning that having a credit/negative account balance will not reduce the regular costs of enrollment. A credit/negative balance will only reduce the camper's remaining balance that they still need to pay after they've been enrolled. The camper will still be subject to the regular fees and required to pay the standard minimum (whether that's a minimum deposit or payment in full). 

Keep in mind that payment is not debited until the camper's enrollment is approved, and campers are either approved manually or automatically depending on your camp's enrollment form processing mode. 

Camps using Manual Enrollment Processing**

  • Though parents are asked for payment information before submitting the enrollment form, payment is not debited until you approve the camper's request. At that time, you also control how much payment is debited.
  • So, although they'll still see the full enrollment balance/minimum deposit when they checkout, you can reassure them that you'll adjust how much they're actually debited when you process their request.
  • Debit them less than the usual amount (or, nothing at all) via the "Payment amount" section of the enrollment wizard when approving that camper's enrollment.
  • You could also create a custom payment method for parents to select when checking out on the enrollment form (e.g. "Pay with account credit") so they can indicate that they want to pay using their credit as opposed to their credit card etc. The admin approving the camper's request would then adjust the payment amount accordingly before finalizing the camper's enrollment.

Camps Using Automatic Enrollment Processing

  • Payment is debited at the time the enrollment form is submitted. The amount that must be paid is based on your standard settings that apply to all campers (i.e. whether you require payment in full or a minimum deposit).
  • You can't make an exception to those standard settings for certain families. However, a few workarounds include:
    • Create a coupon code worth the family's credit amount and provide the code to the family to enter at checkout.
    • Manually process the camper’s enrollment instead. This way, you can specify the payment amount that's debited at the time of enrollment.
    • Configure a $0 deposit to allow all families to enroll without paying anything up front. Families with a credit would then get to "use" that credit towards their remaining balance.

**Enable Manual enrollment processing by navigating to Admin>Campers>Setup wizard>Step 8: Enrollment form setup. Read our Enrollment Requests article to learn more about processing enrollment manually.

How do I apply some (or all) of a family's payment as a donation to our camp?

When a family wants to donate all of their 2020 payments:

  • Reverse all of their original 2020 charges.
  • Add a new charge worth the amount the family wants to donate to your camp this year.

When a family wants to donate some of their 2020 payments, then get a refund for the rest:

  • Reverse all of their original 2020 charges.
  • Add a new charge worth the amount the family wants to donate to your camp this year.
  • Issue a refund for the exact amount they want returned.

When a family wants to donate some of their 2020 payments, then credit the rest to 2021:

  • Reverse all of their original 2020 charges.
  • Add a new charge worth the amount the family wants to donate to your camp this year.
  • Create a new credit towards next year, worth the exact amount they want to roll over. For instructions, read the above FAQ on "How do I credit a family’s balance to the following year?"

How do I set up ongoing health screenings in CampSite?

To enter the data you collect from ongoing health screenings, we recommend using the following features:

  1. Create a camper web form (per session).
    • Create a separate form per screening; or, setup multiple screenings onto the same form (e.g. for daily screenings, create a separate form per day or create a separate form per week with multiple days on each week's form).
    • If needed, forms can be made admin-only (i.e. not accessible by parents) if they're set so "Active?" = "No."
    • To learn how to create a web form, read our support article.
  2. Add Notes on each camper's profile.
    • To create a new category for containing your screening notes, go to Admin > Campers tab > Notes > Add category.
    • To enter a note for a camper, go to the camper's profile page > Notes tab > select a category > Add note.
  3. Use session-specific Custom Fields.
    • To create custom fields, go to Admin > Campers > Custom fields > Add new custom field. (Scope should be "Session").
    • To enter custom field data for a camper, go to the camper's profile page > 2020 tab > select the sub-tab for the relevant session > select the Custom Fields sub-tab > double click 'edit...' > enter data > click OK to save.
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