

Camper Medical Settings

Manage the Medical module settings for Campers via the Medical side-tab of the Campers Admin page.

1. General Admin Settings

  • Enable/disable the health history form on the Parent Dashboard. If No, parents cannot access the form.
  • Present parents a due date for the health history form. Note that parents can still submit the form after this date.
  • Allow admins who do not have medical permissions to still view the Emergency Contacts data from a camper's health form.
  • Allows parents to download a PDF of their completed health history form.
  • Choose to also collect medication strength when parents provide camper medication information.

2. Health History Form configuration

Customize the presentation of the web-based health history form that campers must complete.

By default, the Health History Form is a 4-page web form that comes with standard medical questions included.

You can customize the presentation of these forms by:

The individual questions that come provided on the form cannot be removed or edited. 

Admins can rearrange, remove, or add instructions to an entire section of questions - click here to learn more.

To see which questions come included within each section, log into your Parent Dashboard and access the forms  or click here to read our support articles.

Managing the Form Pages

Page Settings

Double click the pencil icon to edit the settings for a particular form page, where you can rename the page; choose whether it appears during (and is required for) enrollment); and/or add custom instructions.

In the pop-up window that opens, customize:

  1. The name of the form.
  2. Whether to display the form during the enrollment process.
    If yes, you can also select whether the form is required to enroll.
  3. Add custom instructions to the header of the form.
  4. Save and apply your changes.

Rearrange the Pages

Click the rearrange icon for each form to drag and drop pages into a different order.

Delete a Page

If a page hasn't been completed by anyone yet, you can delete the page by double clicking the delete button on the far right.

Managing the Question Sections on a Page

Click the name of the page to access the question sections that appear on that page.

The question sections located on this page will display beneath the page title.

Note: The individual questions that come included on the form cannot be edited. 

To see which questions come included within each section, log into your Parent Dashboard and access the forms  or click here to read our support articles.

Question Section Settings

Double click the pencil icon to edit the settings for a question section, where you can deactivate (hide) the section; make it mandatory; and/or add custom instructions.

In the pop-up window that opens, customize:

  1. Whether the section is active. If no, this section will not be presented on the form.
  2. Whether the section is mandatory. If no, this form page can be submitted without this entire section being answered.
  3. Add custom instructions to appear above the questions within this section.
  4. Save and apply your changes.

Rearranging Sections

Click the rearrange icon for each section to drag and drop sections into a different order. You can also drag the section to an entirely different page, if desired.

Note that sections cannot be rearranged if someone completed this page already. In that case, a lock icon would appear instead of the rearrange icon.

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