The Donor Dashboard allows donors to manage their payment methods, submit general donations/extended payments, and manage their account information.
Change the end of your CampSite URL to /donor-register to access the Donor Registration Form (to create a donor account):
To learn more about creating a donor account, click here.
Change the end of your CampSite URL to /donors to log into the Donor Dashboard with an account:
Donors see your customized homepage message upon logging into their account.
Using the left sidebar menu, they can access their Payment methods, Payment requests, General donations, or "My account" information.
Payment Methods
From the Payment Methods page, Donors can add/manage the electronic payment methods saved to their account.
Note that donors must save a payment method to their account before they can make a payment.
Payment Requests
The payment requests tab presents all requested payments the donor has received.
Each payment request will include the name of the family the payment will be applied towards; the amount requested to pay; the payment status for the request; the option to download an invoice for the request; and the link to make the requested payment.
For more details on how donors fulfill payment requests, click here.
General Donations
The General donations tab will include the history of all previous general donations submitted by the donor and the ability to make a new general donation.
For more details on how donors make a general donation, click here.
My Account
From the "My account" page, Donor's can manage their Donor account info.
- Edit any existing information by re-entering that information into the relevant fields.
- Click to upload a profile photo.
- Switch to the "change password" tab to change their current password.
- Save changes that have been made.