
User Permissions Report

The User Permissions Report allows you to report on which admin users have certain user permissions within CampSite.

Access the user permissions report from the Admin > DB Management > Users permission page. 

To generate the report, select a particular module and then select a category of permissions within that module.

  1. Each row represents a different admin user. 
  2. Each permission (from within the category selected for the report) will be presented in a separate column (like the "Admin" permission highlighted above). 
  3. Each cell presents whether or not the user in that row has the permission listed for that column.

Camp Groups

For databases that are part of a Camp Group, unified admin users who have an account for multiple camps will show multiple rows of permissions.

  1. The "Camp" column will indicate which camp a particular row of permissions is for (per the camp's database initials). 
  2. If a user does not have an account for certain camps within the group, the report will indicate "No account" on the row for that particular camp.  

For more information on editing user permissions, read our Admin user permissions article.

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