
Responsive Theme

Camps using the responsive Parent or Staff Dashboards layout can customize the look of their dashboards  via the Responsive Theme settings page. Note: users must have DB Management Admin permissions to access this Responsive Theme settings for their database.

  1. Select a primary color, which will be used for the sidebar menu of the dashboard, as well as various buttons throughout the dashboard.
  2. Set the dashboard background to a solid color or an image. If you select "image," you'll be prompted to upload the image below.  Please note the required file type/dimensions before uploading.
  3. Set the opacity of the background image by sliding the percentage bar left or right.
  4. Upload an image to use as your header when the Request for Info/New family enrollment form is accessed from a desktop computer. Please note the accepted file types and minimum dimensions.
  5. Upload an image to use as your header when the Request for Info/New family enrollment form is accessed from a mobile device. Please note the accepted file types and minimum dimensions.
  6. Save changes.
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