When editing the account settings for a user that has an account for multiple camps within a camp group, a new option will allow those changes to be applied to all databases for which the user has an account.
Editing a user's account settings
To apply the same settings across all databases, select to "apply changes to other camps in the group this user is an admin for" before saving changes. Upon saving, the settings selected will also be applied to the user's account within the other databases.
By deselecting this setting, CampSite will only apply these settings to the user's account in the present database. This allows a camp group to grant the user different settings for each database in the group, as needed.
I'm not able to apply changes to all other databases within the camp group. Why?
Make sure that you have "DB Management" Admin permissions for the database(s) you wish to apply the user's settings for. Without this permission, you're unable to edit users for that database.
What if each database within the camp group has different add-on modules?
If the current database has addition almodules that other databases do not have, those permissions will not apply to the databases that lack those modules.
If the present camp lacks additional modules that other databases have, you must access those other databases to make changes to the user's settings for those modules.