For general information on creating new users, please read our article on "Adding administrative users."
When creating a new user for a database that belongs to a camp group, a new option will appear that allows the user to also be created in all other databases within that group - granting that user a "unified login" across those databases. Users with a unified login will use the same e-mail and password to log into any camp within the group; once logged into a database, they can easily switch between databases within the group using the "camp group" menu.
To simultaneously create a new user for multiple databases within the group, log into one of the databases within the group and begin adding the user.
Before submitting, select to "Create this user" in all other databases within the camp group. This new user will then be created in all databases within the group.
Note: the admin creating the new user may only create the user for databases in which the admin has "DB Management" admin permission. If the admin does not have this permission for a database within the camp group, they will not be presented the option to create the new user for that database.
If a user template is applied when creating the user, the user will receive the same permissions template in every database.
If the new user is sent login instructions, the user's "welcome" e-mail will contain links to every database within the group.
When creating a new admin in other camp databases within my camp group, can I choose specific camps to create them for?
No - the new user will be created in all other camp databases within your camp group for which you have "DB Management" permissions. However, you can always delete a user from individual databases within the group, as needed.
If a user has a unified login for multiple camps, can I still give them different permissions within each camp?
Yes - when editing the account settings for a user with a unified login, you'll be presented the option to choose whether or not to apply those changes to their linked accounts in other databases (or, to the present database only).