For general information on managing user permissions, please read our Admin user permissions article.
After the Alumni module is enabled for a user, you can grant the following permissions:
- Edit: Permission to edit information within the Alumni module (i.e. alumni profile data).
- Admin: Permission to access the Admin settings for the Alumni module (i.e. access to the "Alumni" tab within the Admin settings page and all the settings therein.)
- Delete: Permission to delete alumni profile pages.
Alumni notes
Admin: Permission to create + manage notes categories in the Alumni module, and designate which users have access to view and create notes in those categories.
- To allow an admin user to view notes on your alumni profiles, go to Admin > Alumni tab > Notes > double click the pencil icon to edit the appropriate Notes category > Select the admin user > Edit category > Save changes.
Advanced Reports
- View + manage Advanced reports: Permission to access the Alumni advanced reports page (i.e. create and save reports; manage advanced report categories).
- Send e-mail from Advanced reports: Permission to send a mass e-mail to everyone generated in an Alumni advanced report.
- Export spreadsheets from Advanced reports: Permission to download data from an Alumni advanced report as a spreadsheet.
- Mass field editing in Advanced reports: Permission to use the "Edit" button in the Alumni advanced report toolbar to mass edit alumni profile data.