
User Permissions (Donations + Extended Payments)

For general information on managing user permissions, please read our Admin user permissions article.


After the Donation + Extended payments module is enabled for a user, you can grant the following permissions:


  • Admin: Permission to access the Admin settings for the Donation + Extended payments module (i.e. access to the "Donation + Extended payments" tab within the Admin settings page and all the settings therein.)
  • Delete: Permission to delete Donor profiles.
  • Edit: Permission to edit information within the Donation + Extended payments module.

Donor notes

  • Admin: Permission to create + manage Donors notes categories, and designate which users have access to view and create notes in those categories.
    • To allow an admin user to view notes on your Donor profiles, go to Admin > Donors tab > Notes > double click the pencil icon to edit the appropriate Notes category > Select the admin user > Edit category > Save changes.


  • Financial reporting: Permission to access the General Donations Report and Payment Requests Report on the Financial Dashboard, as well as donor transactions in the Checking Account Transactions, Expired Credit Cards, Credit Card Declines, Credit Card Transactions, and Deposit reports.

Advanced Reports

  • Mass field editing in Advanced reports: Permission to use the "Edit" button in the Donors advanced report toolbar to mass edit camper or family profile data.
  • Send e-mail from Advanced reports: Permission to send a mass e-mail to everyone generated in a Donors advanced report.
  • Export spreadsheets from Advanced reports: Permission to download data from a Donors advanced report as a spreadsheet.
  • View + manage Advanced reports: Permission to access the Donors advanced reports page (i.e. create and save reports; manage advanced report categories).
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