
User Permissions (Staff)

For general information on managing user permissions, please read our Admin user permissions article.



After the Staff module is enabled for a user, you can grant the following permissions:


  • Edit: Permission to edit information within the Staff module (i.e. the data on a staff member's profile page).
  • Admin: Permission to control admin settings for the Staff module (i.e. all settings within the "Staff" tab of the Admin settings page; the ability to create/edit Staff Forms; and create new Staff Departments and Titles).
  • Delete and merge: Permission to delete and merge staff profile pages.


  • Staff charges read: Permission to read "Charges" on the Staff profile page.
  • Staff charges edit: Permission to edit "Charges" on the Staff profile page (note: the user must also have the "Staff charges read" permission granted in order to be able edit charges.)

Staff Notes

  • Admin: Permission to create + manage notes categories for the Staff module, and designate which users have access to view and create notes in those categories.
    • To allow an admin user to view  notes on your staff profiles, go to Admin > Staff tab > Notes > edit the appropriate Notes category > Select user(s) > Edit category > Save changes. 


  • Read: Permission to read the "Salary" information and SSN on each Staff profile page.
  • Edit: Permission to edit to the "Salary" information and SSN on each Staff profile page (note: the user must also have the Salary "Read" permission granted in order to be able to then edit this information.)

Note: In order to be able to use CampSite's Hiring Wizard and hire applicants, the user must be given Salary "Edit" permissions (in addition to Basic "Edit" permissions).

Application + interview

  • Read: Permission to read the "Application" and "Interview" information on the Staff profile page.
  • Edit: Permission to edit to the "Application" and "Interview" information on the Staff profile page (note: the user must also have the Application + Interview "Read" permission granted in order to be able to edit application + interview information.)

Advanced Reports

  • View + manage Advanced reports*: Permission to access the Staff advanced reports page (i.e. create and save reports; manage advanced report categories).
  • Send e-mail from Advanced reports: Permission to send a mass e-mail to everyone generated on a Staff advanced report.
  • Export spreadsheets from Advanced reports: Permission to download report results as a spreadsheet.
  • Mass field editing in Advanced reports: Permission to use the "Edit" button in the Staff advanced report toolbar to mass edit staff profile data.
  • Send text message from Advanced reports: Permission to send a mass text message to every staff person generated in a Staff advanced report.

*By default, a new user will not have access to any saved advanced reports that were created prior to the user's account having been set up. To give the user access to existing saved reports, go to Advanced Reports Management.

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