
Import Data

Using CampSite's import tool, admin users can upload families, campers, alumni, and custom field data into their database in mass.

To access CampSite's import tools, navigate to Admin > DB Management > Import data. Click the respective link for the type of data you wish to import.

Import Process

CampSite allows you to import data into your database by entering that data onto a spreadsheet (.CSV) and uploading the spreadsheet into CampSite.

For each import tool, we provide the following step-by-step instructions to guide you through the import process:

  1. Download our spreadsheet template
  2. Review how to complete the spreadsheet
  3. Upload the spreadsheet
  4. Review/fix any problems

Note: While this article features images of only the Campers import tool, the content of this article applies to all imports.

Important Note When Importing Campers

Families and campers must be imported separately (via two separate spreadsheets). Since campers must be imported into their respective families, you need to complete the family import before you can import campers. 

During the families import, you'll upload only the parents’ information to establish the family's profile. During the campers import, you'll upload the camper's details to create the camper's profile within their family's profile.

In order to import campers into the correct families, you'll assign each family a unique ID number during the family import. You'll then enter the camper's family ID during the camper import, so that each camper is placed into the right family. More details on this below.

Step 1:  Download the template

In order to import data, it must be entered onto a .CSV in a specific format. 

To make sure you provide the data correctly, click and download and complete the template that's provided for each import.

The template is a .csv spreadsheet file that can be opened in any common spreadsheet editor, like Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets.

Row 1 will be pre-populated with column headers that indicate which data you need to enter into each column. Do not edit these headers, or the import will not be successful. 

Enter your data on on rows 2 and higher. 

For more help on how to properly enter data on the spreadsheet, continue reading.

  • Regarding Custom Field imports: The template for custom field imports does not include the column header for the custom field data - you must enter the appropriate column header(s) manually. 
  • Click to "Review the import guide" to find the column header(s) you need to copy/paste onto the template.

Step 2: Review the guide for this import template

Learn the correct way to enter data onto the template by reviewing the guide.

A pop-up window will open, explaining how to format your data for each field included in the import.

1. First, review the details for each data format. For example, all date fields must be entered as yyyy-mm-dd.
2. Next, review each field included on the import spreadsheet.

Field refers to which CampSite field will be populated with this data upon import.

Required? indicates whether this is required. If no, you can leave this column blank to avoid importing this data.

Must be unique? indicates whether these data values must be unique (compared to existing data). For example, ID numbers must be unique; you cannot assign the same ID number that's already been assigned to another camper.

Column header in .csv points to the corresponding column for this field in the import template.

Format refers to how the data you enter for this field must be formatted. See the "Field format guides" at the top of this window for more details.

Additional notes indicates anything else you should know about providing data for this field. For example, when importing campers, the Additional notes indicate which data values are accepted for the "Gender" and "Grade" fields.

Tip: To make sure you assign unique ID numbers, identify the ID numbers that have already been assigned to campers/families/alumni using Advanced Reports, by pulling everyone onto a report and then adding a field for everyone's ID number. Sort the ID number column and find the highest ID number assigned. On your import, use ID numbers that are higher than current highest ID number in your system.

Completing the import template

On your spreadsheet, each row should represent a separate entity (i.e. family, camper, or alumni), and each column will represent a separate field of data.

For example, in the above screenshot of a camper import, row 2 contains all of the data for Caleb Smithgall. Row 3 contains the data for Angela Briggs; row 4 the data for Cole Hardy, and so on. 

Column A contains all of the family ID numbers for every camper. Column B, the ID number being assigned to every camper, and so on.

Continue adding data to each row like shown above. When you're finished, save the spreadsheet.

Saving the Spreadsheet

Before saving, please note:

  • Your spreadsheet cannot contain more than 2,000 rows. 
  • Your spreadsheet must be saved as a .CSV, in the "comma separated values" file format.
  • If you save it as "Comma delimited", the import will not be successful.

Step 3: Upload your completed spreadsheet

Next, upload your comma separated .CSV file into CampSite via Step 3.

To upload your spreadsheet, click the "choose file" button and then select the spreadsheet file from your device.

CampSite will immediately import your spreadsheet and then report any "problems" that may have occurred.

Step 4: Review the Results of the Import

When the import is complete, Step 4 will identify any rows of data that could not be imported due to a "problem" with the data you provided.

If a problem is identified in any rows of your spreadsheet, that row will not be imported until you fix the problem.

  1. View the total number data rows that could not be imported.
  2. View the description of each problem. Click to fix it.
  3. Click to ignore the problems (and discard the problem rows of data from importing).

Fixing Problem Rows

To fix a problem, click on the problem description.

A pop-up window will open displaying all of data from the associated row. The problematic value(s) will be highlighted in red, with an explanation to the right.

Click and edit the problematic value.  When you're finished, submit the fixed row.

For example, in the screenshot above, CampSite identified that the Camper ID value is not unique, which is a problem. Fix this problem by changing the "1002" ID number to a unique value and clicking Submit fixed row.

If the fixed row is imported successfully, a confirmation message will appear at the top of CampSite, and the row will disappear from the list of problems.

Importing new families?

In order to allow imported families to log into your Parent Dashboard, you'll need to manually assign them temporary passwords to use for logging in.

To learn how to reset passwords in mass, click here.

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