- Select the year.
- Add financial notes.
- Click the "i" for details on the transaction type.
- Add new transactions or new discounts.
- Add new payments, credits, and refunds.
- Generate statements, and/or send statement
New Charges/New Discounts
- Add date to new charge/discount.
- Select your registration option.
- Select your event.
- Select the charge/discount category.
- Add a description of the charge/discount (i.e. Category=Merchandise Description=T-shirt)
- Enter the dollar amount you want to use or select percentage and choose what percent you want.
- Submit.
New payment
- Set the date for the payment. (Automatically is defaults to the current date)
- Choose your registration option.
- Payment method.
- If choosing credit card or checking account select which one to use.
- Add the amount.
- Select the event, category, set the amount and add a description for the new payment.
- Set the amount for the invoice.
- Send a statement to the leader of the group.
- Submit the new payment.
New Credit
- Set the date for the credit. (Automatically is defaults to the current date)
- Choose a registration option.
- Select an event.
- Select a category.
- Add a description of the credit.
- Enter an amount.
- Submit.
New Refund
- Set the date for the refund. (Automatically is defaults to the current date)
- Choose a registration option.
- Select the method for which you will refund the guests money.
- Add the amount to be refunded.
- Select the event, select the category, set the amount that you typed above, and add a description.
- Submit.
- Select the year.
- Add an invoice.
- Double click to edit an existing invoice.
- Double click to generate an invoice.
- Double click to send an invoice.
- Double click to delete.