
Attendance & Authorized Pickups

The Attendance tab of the Admin menu contains settings for Attendance module (mostly pertaining to Authorized Pickups).

1. Select whether to require that parents provide photos of Authorized Pickups that they add to their family's account.

2. Select whether to ask parents to indicate if their child may check themselves in or out without an adult (click here to learn how this looks to parents)
Settings 3 - 6 only pertain to the Transportation module:

Select whether or not to ask staff to provide who dropped off/picked up the camper up in the following Transportation scenarios:

3. When checking in campers whose transportation arrival method is “parent drop-off”

4. When checking out campers whose transportation departure method is “parent pick-up”

5. When checking in a camper whose transportation arrival method is “bus”

6. When checking out a camper whose transportation departure method is “bus”

7. Select whether to require a signature from parents and authorized pickups signature when using parent-driven attendance logging

8. Select whether to require the staff member checking a camper in to select which parent/authorized pickup who checked the camper in

9. Select whether to require the staff member checking a camper out to select the which parent/authorized pickup who checked the camper out

10. Specify the password that must be entered to leave the parent PIN page and return to the admin-side of CampSite

11. Select whether to ask parents to provide Authorized Pickups during the enrollment process

  • If "No", parents must manually navigate to the Authorized Pickups page of the parent dashboard in order to manage their pickups)

12. If you select to ask parents to provide Authorized Pickups during the enrollment process, select whether Authorized Pickups are required

13. Select whether to display parents and authorized pickups their assigned attendance PINs on the Parent Dashboard

  • If "No", PINs will not be displayed on the dashboard nor will they be automatically texted to authorized pickups when parents add them to their account
  • Parent PINs are on the My Account page. Click here to see where Authorized Pickup PINs are located

14. Select whether to allow campers to have their attendance logged more than once for the same checkpoint on the same day

15. Authorized Pickups Fields: Customize which data parents must provide on authorized pickups by adjusting the fields presented on the authorized pickup form.  

  • "First name" and "Last name" are always required, but "Relationship", "Gender", "Date of birth", "E-mail address", "Cell Phone", "Work phone", and "Home phone" are customizable.
  • To enable a field on the authorized pickup form, make it "Active"
  • To make an active field required, make it "Mandatory"
  • To change the setting for a field, double click the current Yes or No value and adjust as needed.

16. Save changes.

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