
Creating Web Forms

Web forms collect information by having the user type responses directly into the form, via their Dashboard. 

To create a web form, type out each question that should appear on the form.

For  each question that's been added, select the desired response type (e.g. yes/no,  multiple choice, dropdown list, etc.) and whether or not the question is  mandatory.

Form Scopes

First, choose a form scope. The "scope" of a form determines how frequently it must be completed.

  • Permanent forms are filled out only once. The responses provided will remain on the form permanently (year after year).
  • Yearly forms must be filled out once a year.
  • Session forms must be filled out if a camper is enrolling / the staff person is hired for that particular session.
  • Daily forms must be filled out on a daily basis when the corresponding session is occurring.

To create a new web form, select "+Add new form..." within the appropriate scope, depending on how frequently you wish to have the form completed.

Form Setup

  1. Enter the name of the form
  2. Select "Web"
  3. Enter a due date, if applicable
    Note that the form can still be completed after the due date.
  4. Select whether or not to actively display the form on the dashboard
    Tip: Select No until you've added questions to the form.
  5. Select whether ot not someone can make changes to their previous submission (i.e. edit responses and resubmit)
  6. Select whether admins should receive email notifications whenever someone submits this form
    Note that an admin must have form submission notifications enabled within their user email notifications.
  7. Select whether to restrict who can see this form
    Choose whether the form should be visible to those who appear on, or do not appear on, a saved Advanced Report within your database
  8. Select whether to display the form during the enrollment/application/registration process
    If yes, select whether to require the form during enrollment/application/registration
  9. Click "Create form" to save

Manage Questions on a Web Form

Click the form name to add/edit the questions on that form.

Add Questions

Add each individual question one at a time.

Click the "+Add new question..." link (as shown above).

  1. Type the question you wish to ask
  2. Select the "type" of response you wish to collect
    To learn more about each question response type, click here.
  3. Choose whether or not the question is mandatory

Click "add new question" to continue adding more questions to the form, so on and so forth until the form is complete.

Add Plain Text to a Form

For example, to add a block of waiver text that persons must read before agreeing and signing, or to provide instructions before asking questions, enter this text into a new "Paragraph"-type question.

"Paragraph"-type questions do not prompt for a response. Instead, they allow you to display additional text on the form.

Edit Questions

  1. Click and drag to reorder questions
  2. Edit the question text as needed
  3. Double click to delete a question

Note that once a question has been answered by someone, you cannot change the response "type" and you cannot delete the question.

Preview the Form

First, save the form by clicking "Save changes" at the bottom of the page.

If you don't save the form before previewing, all unsaved changes will be lost once you click to preview!

Then, click "Preview this form" at the top of the page to see how the form will look.

Click to continue editing the form, or return to the main camper forms page.

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